

Starling and the RockBoyz Episode 2
The boys are sitting in the car with thier new dad, who wants them to call him Papa. He's talking to the boys and the only one talking to him is Mikey, who is in love with thier new father's history story, so when he tried to tell us that back in his old days he never had a cellphone in his elementary school years, but I really don't care about back in the old days where they used birds, papers and quil pens witch are feathers that be diped in black ink.

I was looking out the window but I'm trying to tune them out and also Ursus is sleeping and he is making nioses from his mouth and is making me like he is too loud and so is Mikey and his Papa, which he don't know if he wants to talk to his Papa he just don't know him and he said he's a normal man and a normal life.

Great said Starling he hate that he won't be rich but they made it to the house. And they passed by a beautiful black house and I seen three girls, one was a Hawaiian girl, a super cute Asian girl who was reading a book and he saw a Canadian girl who was leaning on the tree that he can tell she's the oldest,but what Starling like about this girl was that she was a guitar player too. So when his Papa stopped at the next door, right next to the blue house and he said that we lived in this house, So I was about to follow them but I turned to the other house by walking very softly and. quitely.

And so he talked to the niehboor next door and she looked at him and she said something in a low voice and said he is pretty boyish and he said what did you say and she said nothing and her face changed to hostile and said boy don't you know it is not right to sneak up on people.

But Starling said I did not mean to. Is that guitar and she looked at her instrument and then she put it down. Yea, why? She looked at him like he might do somthing.

And he said, oh why well I have a guitar too, do you want to see it? And the girl said sure. Starling went into the trunk of the car to get his instrument but when he came back she was gone and he seen the front door closed at the black house and he sighed and walked to the house and Urus said, so what all that about?

And Starling looked at his brother and said nothing. Ursus walked pass his brother and he looked at the black house and said this should be fun then he smirked and walked back in the blue house.