

A healthy life tips

In our busy schedule we just stop taking care of ourself. We worked so hard to achieve our dreams, worked hard to get fame and money. But forgot to pay attention in most important topic that is our health.
Health one only thinks about it when they become sick or have major disease.
But before that no one cares about it.
Eat whatever surrounds you .One only gets notice about what food they intake cause stomach pain or indigestion.
But why not to pay attention over intake food before the disease?
A healthy diet is eating a balanced diet with all the nutrient's , vitamin, minerals ,antioxidant ,fibers , prebiotic.
But is that okay to eat over of above enrich food.
No that is why we have concept of balance diet.
A BALANCE DIET is key to healthy food. Eating food is balanced matter.
To fulfill daily requirements nutrients need in our body.

CONCEPT OF COLOUR VEGETABLES AND FRUITS - Why to just eat only green vegetables and fruits when colour fruits and vegetable are too enrich with nutrients

Fruits and vegetables get their coloration from phytochemicals, natural bioactive compounds which, in addition to giving many fruits and veggies their eye-catching hues

In fact, the most vibraits and vegetables are the richest in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.
According to the food pyramid, you should be eating up to nine servings of vegetables and fruits each day.

Clinical dietitian Jennifer Ventrelle, MS, RD, LDN, recommends filling at least three-quarters of your plates at lunch and dinner with...