

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton 1774 to 1821
Elizabeth Ann Baley was born in Colonial America in 1774 before it the Revolutionary War of 1776 when The British Colonists could no longer stand King George the III of England.

She was born in New York one of the 13 original colonies named after James Stuart Duke of York the second son of King Charles the I of England and Queen Henrietta Maria of France.

Elizabeth Ann Baleys father Lord Richard Baley was a doctor and her mother Katherine Barclay was the daughter of a Well known Anglican Pastor the church her sisters were raised in.

Lady Katherine died when she was three and Lord Richard Baley didn't have time to raise his daughters so he passed the buck to his brother Lord William Baley and his wife that lived in New Rochelle, New York.

New Rochelle was in the country of New York State and it was here that Elizabeth Ann and her sisters learned about the love of God and they starts the Protestant Sister's of Charity visiting the Poor, widows, and orphans as James 1: 27-29 started.
Elizabeth Ann and her sister's attended the Espiopal Church.

Elizabeth Ann Baley met the charming William Seton in New York and he came from a wealthy family of trade and they married and had five children. Anna, William, Richard Katherine and Rebecca.

Tragedy stuck William Seton flight of ships and pirate's stole his merchandise and he loss his fortune but Elizabeth Ann never let him give up.

William Seton came down with TB in 1804 and William's good friends in Italy thought that William would recover better in Italy with the warmer climate.

Elizabeth Ann , William and wth Anna left New York to sail for Florence, Italy but the journey was long by ship.

They arrived in Italy in 1805 but The Italian government placed William along Elizabeth Ann and Anna Marie in quarantine.

William Seton died in Florence, Italy and his good friend Anthony Fellci had him buried in the American Cemetery in Florence and his family took Elizabeth Ann and Anna Marie into their care.
It was through The Felllci Family that Elizabeth Ann found her comfort within the Catholic Faith and through the sacrament of Eucharist.

When Elizabeth Ann Seton informed her Protestant Family in New York that she was converting they were horrified and reminded her that her ancestors had been persecuted in France and England by The Roman Catholic Church.

Elizabeth Ann Seton remained firm that she was converting to the Catholic Faith and with that her family turned their backs on her but she persevered without them.

The Fellci family came to help in New York and she became Roman Catholic in 1806.
Bishop Caroll the Archdiocese of Baltimore Maryland had a dream of educating young women in 1806 and he was looking for the right woman to start a New Holy Order for Women based on the Sister's of Charity in France started by Vincent De Paul and Louise De Melliac that were being supressed by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris, France but some Priests arrived in Baltimore, Maryland and they gave him the tentants that they wrote.

Bishop Caroll met with Elizabeth Ann Seton in 1807 but the rules said she would have to give up her dear children and she said " I am sorry Bishop Caroll I must decline I am a mother first."

Bishop Caroll smiled and said" Well in that case we must ammend the rules so you can keep your children" and with that Elizabeth Ann Seton was created Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton and her new Holy Order was called The American Sisters of Charity of St Joseph.

A young German man wanted to become a Priest and he endowed The Catholic Church with a sizable fortune with the promise it would be used to educate young women in America.

The Holy Order had to be established in Emmitsburg , Maryland and he also left his farrm for the Sisters to start the first school there.

Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton with her children and 12 sisters set out from Baltimore to Emmitsburg and it took them 4 days by foot and wagon to get there.

When they arrived Mother Seton and her sisters started to clean up the farm house and scrub the floors and Windows.

Every sister was given a different age to teach and their little school begin to grow and soon they needed a big school.

Mother Seton lost Anna Marie and Rebecca to TB but her two sons William III and Richard and Katherine lived to reach adulthood and finally in 1821 Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton finally passed away at TB herself.

She died January 4, 1821 and today is her Feast Day in her honor of being a faithful servant to the Lord and Church.

Elizabeth Ann Baley Seton became the First Native Born American Saint in September 14, 1976 in Vatican City at St.
Peter's Square where Pope Alexander VI canonized her a Saint with only three miracles to her name.

All three were present at her canonization on September 14, 1976 and without this courageous woman and without the Catholic Church and Bishop Caroll women in the United States would never have the chance to become educated.

Mother Seton Holy Order also took over orphanges and hospitals in America, Mexico and other countries and they thrived.

Mother Seton daughter surviving daughter Katherine at the age of 20 joined the Sisters of Mercy and yes she served in India too. She died at the age of 91 helping the good people of India and just like Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

Every Faith has their faults but we must learn to co-exist with other faiths and work together and put aside our petty differences.

We are all human beings and we all bleed red blood unless you are a Vulcan and have green blood.

Blessed St Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day Everyone.

© ladywicca65