

#Love Chords
He fell for her the moment he saw her at the hallway. Coming down from the stairs, her chestnut brown hair dropping down her shoulders caught his attention. Her skin, as clear as milk, shone complimenting the wine dress she had on. The long legs sticking out from the slit of her dress were the sexiest pair he had set his eyes upon, a brief image of him eating her out with her legs hanging on his shoulder sent blood rushing to his groins.

"How could one have such beautiful legs exist?" he thought to himself.

He quickly flushed the image out of his thoughts,it won't be a great sight standing in front of his guests with an aroused c**k. The way her slender hands held on to the glass cup she had in her palm made him wish he was the glass cup for a brief second.

The moment she turned,the both of them locked eyes and he couldn't help but gaze intensely into them. Her almond shaped eyes held the darkest crystal set of eyes he had seen, like they were arrows which could pierce through his soul and read his innermost thoughts. His eyes dropped to her full lips, they were lined with a nude lipstick. The moment she smiled at him, he knew he had fallen deeply for her.

© coversandink