

Sercie's First Adventure
Sercie woke up to the sounds of cats, kittens, dogs, puppies and people. These were the normal sounds of her home with her Mother. Always something going on. She was confined to an area that she stayed in with her mom. The other animals pretty much stayed away because of her overprotective mother. Sercie's dad "Leo" would come by every so often to see her, but never stayed long.
Sercie wanted to be out and about with everyone else. She got lonely in her area all alone except for her mom. With her decision made she was going out to investigate today. After all she was almost 3 weeks old. When her mom finally took her nap she started quietly towards the exit. She could see everyone else and pounced forward. The kittens hissed and hunched their backs. All the dogs and puppies came rushing over to sniff and inspect her. Sercie was a little scared but excited. Then she saw the baby duck. It was small, yellow, and fluffy. She also thought it was funny that it seemed to waddle when it walked. The little duck came right up to Sercie looked deep into her eyes then walked closer until she was able to touch Sercie. Duckling then began to make soothing noises in her throat while gently rubbing her head on Sercie's shoulder. This made Sercie feel like she had a friend for the first time. She felt so happy she was trembling and wagging her tail.
The baby duck looked up at her again and nodded her head towards Sercie's bed as if she should follow her to lay down for a nap. Since her cute little duck friend looked sleepy she decided to go with her. Sercie circled two times around towards the left then three to the right before deciding this would be the correct napping spot. She then laid down and as she was starting to drift off to sleep she felt her new friend snuggling up against her side. As she drifted off happier than she could ever remember she thought it strange she hadn't seen the duck before now. Oh well. She wasn't going to complain about it. Sercie finally had someone to be her friend. This was the best first adventure she could have ever wished for.!
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