

Today, as my car unexpectedly broke down, I found myself sitting in an auto rickshaw, contemplating the events of the day and struck by a deep sense of privilege to witness a different perspective on reality. The auto rickshaw puller, a seasoned man with a weathered face and a thoughtful demeanor, began a conversation that quickly turned profound.

He lamented the rampant use of mobile phones while driving, noting that nearly 90% of people he observed on the road were engaged with their devices—talking, texting, or playing games. "This generation," he sighed, "doesn't understand the value of life and family anymore." His words resonated with me as we discussed the pervasive influence of electronic gadgets and how they disturb the fabric of human existence.

Arriving home, my mind lingered on our conversation. I couldn't shake the question: where are we headed as a society? Is our obsession with technology truly progress or a regression in disguise? The puller's concern for the future, especially for our children and the broader community, echoed loudly in my thoughts.

In the quiet of my home, I reflected on the challenges we face—how to safeguard what truly matters amidst the rapid march of technological advancement. It's not just about individual choices anymore; it's about collective responsibility and rethinking our priorities. Today's experience in that auto rickshaw was a poignant reminder of the importance of human connection, safety, and the need for a balanced approach to technology in our lives.