

7th lane [Chapter 2]
Priya and Rahul are running from 6th lane to next lane(8th) .But they don't found 7th lane anytime.They were worried.Rahul is almost crying.Priya is trying to comfort Rahul.Priya and Rahul are decided to approach police station.
Priya: Sir.. Sir..
Constable:Yes madam.what happened??Why you are so worrying??
Priya: Sir, 7th lane is missing.our house is missing sir
Constable: What?? What happened actually??first calm down!
Priya explained everything to the constable.
Constable:Which colony you belongs to?
Priya:PN Colony
Constable took the details,and said that they'll inform you if any thing came to know.
Priya and Rahul came out ,and sat on the bench near the police station.
Rahul:Sister..what may happen to mom and dad??
Rahul is asking Many questions..
For those things..Priya was started crying heavily.

Beside of that bench,a man who's age is around 30yrs,looked at th and said,"There will be no solution except crying...after few days there won't be that too"(and laughs)
Listening to that,Priya gets soo tensed and angry.
Rahul calmed down her.and took her away from that person.They're walking.They saw a man walking before them.priya went to him,and asked
Priya: Excuse me!!did you know anything about the 7th lane of pn colony.
Unknown man:It's a story of years back.why are you asking now?
Priya:No.our lane is missing sir,our house,my parents..
Unknown man:what!!is he came again!!!
(He was soo shocked,after listening to Priya)
Priya: he...?? who is he?? explain detaily.
Then a lorry came suddenly near to the unknown person.priya saved him
Unknown man: He will kill me,if I say something to you dear.Im sorry I don't want to loose my life.Im helpless.
And then,he went off
Priya was soo confused.
Priya remembered about that haunted house which is in the second lane.she thought,they may get any clue if they visited that house again.sk they decided to go.they started moving to second lane.Iane is dark.sufdenly they listened many people foot steps sounds.suddenly Rahul shouted.he said he can't move .Priya helped him to step farward.but he said"someone is pulling me.no no....many were pulling me." He falled down,his leg is in air.. like someone is grabbing him.priya tried to save him.but it's hard.then,a man helped her and took them from there.He is the man, who laughed at the police station.He said it is very dangerous to go there.priya asked about him.he said my name is Krishna.I know it funny to hear.but it's true.my living place is missing.my house in 7th lane is missing.priya was shocked and asked the colony,he said pn colony and door no.07-7-77
Priya:what!!but how it can be possible??the same colony,same lane ,same house??
Krishna:what happened
Priya: it's our house,and now it is missing too.
but how it is possible...is this really 2017??
Krishna: What!! isn't this 1977!!

What actually happened to Priya and Krishna!!is this 2017 or 1977??