

Arya! have you been ? have been searching for you since morning and now look at you! you are coming four hours late. Chores are piled up if you ever have to do this again please inform me about that earlier. Shania said all this when she opened the door for her maid to enter in her big bang villa furnished with the imported goods and designed by famous architects.
Arya was listening to what she was saying and thinking that she just starting eating her brain so early.
Shania showed arya the drawing room embellished with the four Italain sofas and a dinning table imported from Germany which had been a mess and guided her to pick up the unnecessary utensils from the table. then do dusting and afterwards clean it with the vaccum.
Shania then realised that Arya was working slow and was continuously adjusting her Chadar (Head Scarf). She realised there must be something that she is acting like this. so she started questioning her. why are adjusting your scarf constantly ?
she hesitated for a bit as she was not expecting that kind of a question. But then she said oh I just fell on the floor last day,i got bruises and that i don't wanna show at the work place as everyone will judge me.
Shania's muscles relaxed for a bit as if she is taking a sigh and then she sat down,putting her head on the upper side of the sofa and staring at the wall.
Arya got shocked of this behaviour and was confused.
she immediately inqyired. Shania Bibi are you ok ?
Shania looked at her with the blurry eyes and then a tear dropped down of her face.
then she said ..after taking a pause
you are telling a woman that you fell on the floor as if she wouldn't no what that means. I have learnt one thing in my life that whether the woman is rich or poor,she will be treated the same way by her husband...I have this wonderful house which i am thankful for, I know i am much more lucky than you, I have no such economic issues, but neither of us are respected. I don't know when will men acknowledge the role of women in their life...WHEN she yelled it and after that started crying loudly ...
Arya closed the door quickly as these secrets has to be closed within the walls of that villa..

© shakhenabat