

Tides of Triumph
Michelle, a young Ghanaian lady with a radiant smile and a passion for designing magnificent buildings that will touch the shy, dreamed of becoming an architect. However, her academic struggles threatened to shatter her aspirations. Despite her best efforts, she failed to meet the grade point required for university admission, leaving her devastated.

Undeterred, Michelle rewrote the exams, hoping to turn the tide. However, fate had other plans, and she still fell short. Now, a year behind her peers, Michelle felt lost and uncertain.

Just when she thought all hope was lost, her sister's friend introduced her to a program in nautical science. Intrigued, Michelle researched and discovered a new passion. She applied to a maritime university and, against all odds, was accepted.

But the journey was far from smooth sailing. The tuition fees were exorbitant, and Michelle often went hungry, unable to afford food. Her pride prevented her from asking for help from her family as they have invested so much in her education, so she went without food and burned the midnight candle, studying tirelessly.

Despite her efforts, Michelle's grades began to slip at some point in time, and she felt like the universe was against her. Yet, she persisted, fueled by constant prayer and unwavering determination. And then, the tide turned. By God's grace, Michelle graduated with a first-class degree in nautical science, leaving her family beaming with pride.

As she accepted offers from two prestigious companies, Michelle knew that her journey to becoming a seafarer was only just beginning; she had truly found her calling, and that fate has navigated her to where she was meant to be. She had faced the storms and emerged stronger, her faith and resilience guiding her to a future she never thought possible. With God by her side, what could stop her now.
© Shelly