


Chapter 1: THE ARGUMENT.
"Jane, why are you soo annoying like that. I called you about five times last night but you didn't answer your phone"Alice said to her cousin very angrily when Jane and her mom came to to visit them the next day.
"But Alice, you shouldn't get angry just because I rejected your calls because you don't know the reason why I did that" Jane said to Alice calmly.
"Then Why don't you tell me with that big mouth of yours" Alice replied to her cousin disrespectfully.
Just then Jane slapped her very well that their mothers heard the sound that came from upstairs and quickly run to see what was happening.
"What happened here my dear children"Jane's mother Aunty Monica asked.
"Aunty, Jane slapped me"Alice said with a baby voice as if she did nothing before.
"Jane why did you slap your sister?" Aunty Monica asked her daughter with an angry face.
"Mom she called me big mouth just because I rejected her stupid calls,and she's not my sister"Jane explained.
"You girls should go to your room, we'll settle this later"their moms instructed. That evening,both girls ignored each other as if they were enemies.
"Alice where is Jane?"a voice from behind asked.
"Why do you care about her" Alice asked not knowing who she was talking to.
"My child,do you know who you're speaking to in this manner?"the voice asked again. Just then Alice looked behind her and saw her dad,she was too happy to the extent that she run quickly to hug him.
"Dad, I'm sorry for talking to you like that, please forgive me"she said with a sad face thinking her dad would scold her. "I forgive you, but next time be careful with the people you talk to especially your sister" her dad warned.
"Your mom told me you had an argument with Jane and you disrespected her, is it true?"her dad asked politely.
Yes she insulted me,and I forgave her, because it was my fault,I should have answered her call last night"Jane who came from no where said with a sad face.
"Sister Jane I'm sorry for disrespecting you, I didn't mean it"Little Alice also said with a sad face.
"Alice I'm also very sorry for slapping you, please forgive me" Jane also said with a sadder face while tears run down her cheeks.

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