

Dark street part 2
Three weeks passed and nothing had happened as expected, we all had almost forgotten what happened. I was about to jump off the rooftop carrying bags of coins tied around my waist when the sheriff caught sight of me. I began to run for escape while the sheriff ran after me blowing his whistle and before I knew it dozens of sheriffs were after me.
I managed to escape to Janet's horse farm and drop all the gold coins in the safe for Janet knows what to do with them. The number of sheriffs after me had increased and my chance of escaping had been seriously reduced so I didn't waste much time at Janet's horse farm to safeguard the gold coins. I covered my track to Janet's horse farm to buy me some time, and I left leaving no traces to Janet's farm. After running for a few hours the sheriffs later caught up with me, I surrendered to avoid being shut at then was I taken to the prison to await judgement.
It was 9 pm when a huge noise broke out in the city a rumor was spread that one of the sheriff while fighting a criminal fell into the well the old woman was thrown into. A few minutes later the noise went down and another rumor was spread that the sheriff could not be retrieved from the well.
After spending a few hours in the jail, it was 11 pm when the chief sheriff came into the office and told his comrade that the Mayor had declared that the well should be completely closed. They all went out leaving me and two inmates in the jail and three sheriffs on standby in the office.
It was 12 am and suddenly everything turned dark but this time we had worked on how to get a source of light in case this scenario happened again. One of the sheriffs ignited the lamp and the room was a bit bright, we thought the sun would come out in a few minutes as usual but we were wrong, it never did, we saw a bright white light reflecting inside the prison not as bright as the sun and we all began to get scared and the saying of the old woman pops up in my head and we all had multiple gunshots.

To be continued...

© Walemond Notion