

Simple Diary of Mine
Fourth Page

It's been 3 days since I start living comfortably here, I read the book that I got from library about this world and it seems there are 4 countries. Guaine, where humans lives. Yrenya, where mythical creatures live such as fairies and elves. Teranils, where all the warriors and witches live and last Hetrains, where all the so called supreme king lives. The forest I live is in Guaine.

The book also contained about the elements. You could say that since this is a fantasy world, there are also fantasy places and magic. Just like any other movies about elements, The light and dark are the most powerful elementals, followed by wind, water, fire and earth. There are also another one that is similar to elements and that is called ability. Ability is completely different from elements since the elements comes from our surroundings while the ability comes with our body.

Ability users can only have one special ability like, the ability to read minds, the ability to go invisible, the ability to go faster, the ability to grow smaller or bigger. There are many abilities beside those. After reading all the contents on the book, I fully accepted that I am indeed in a fantasy world and of course, I'm planning to live peacefully in this forest alone.

End of the Fourth Page
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