

What do you think love is all about?
You know loving someone is not all about saying it out loud
For them to hear and think that you truly love them or
For people around to hear that
Love is way bigger than all that I must tell you
Love is so deep and only those who are willing to pay what its cost to
Love someone truly can see, feel and show (share) true love.
True love correcting them when they are wrong and you have to do that with much love
True love is letting them see that every time you spend together is special
True love is letting them see the beauty in everything you do together
True love is not for lovers only but for friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, love between student and teachers
Parents and children love, classmate love, siblings love, colleagues and boss love
Love is limitless, love is timeless, love is painless, and love has no dark side
Love is pure, love is cool, love is sweet, and love understands, love is happiness, love is peaceful,
Love is everything great, good and everlasting.