

🥰LoveWard 🤪
I sat there in the break room of the psych ward I was in. Playing Dominoes with the old man who chants Bible verses to himself all day. It's been his turn for 30 minutes. I just sat there in my chair and finally looked up at the news and watched the weather that I couldn't feel on my skin. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. Tears started falling down my face thinking I'm stuck here forever. 6pm medicine time and I held my breath as I slipped the big blue and orange pills in my lips and swallowed with a paper cup of water. I proceed to go to my room. I heard some new people were coming tomorrow. I thought little of it. I fell asleep as the pills consumed my brain in the black tar of the pharmaceuticals took over then I went Out like a light. Woke up the next morning and went out to the break room after a shower. I sat there and took a breath. Same shit different day. All of a sudden I got the hint of perfume. My eyes closed and my nose grasped the scent and as I inhaled it, the perfume traveled to my brain and my heartbeat started jumping out of my chest. A beautiful blonde girl came walking in looking shy as she was shoved in the break room and the officer closed the door. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled and instantly fell in love with the new girl. I waved her over please come and sit. She came over all shy And sat down. We talked for hours till it was time to go to our rooms. I couldn't stop thinking of her. She was perfect in my eyes. 6 months later we started dating and every day I felt like I was getting to know her. I couldn't see why she was in here. She said she had depression and anxiety but then pushed the subject. Till one night before we had to go. We had a convo that changed everything. Who's your favorite music artist? I thought it was calming and a good conversation starter. She began answering the question with a smile. As quick as her smile came it left and in mid sentence she looked at me with a blank face no expression whatsoever and said I miss the piano.. I said what do you mean love? She said Miley Cyrus' father Billy Rays piano. He would play it and we would have sleepovers and pillow fights. I helped Miley Cyrus write all of her songs. The credit should go to me. Her voice started elevating and she then started screaming WHY DOES SHE GET THE FAME ITS ME ITS ALWAYS BEEN ME THAT BITCH TOOK IT FROM ME!! I sat in the break room looking around at all the other patients. They were all rocking in place, some were clapping and laughing, some were crying at what they were seeing, some got up and jumped in a circle. The alarm went off and she was dragged away as she said she would be famous one day! The shot went into her neck and she fell asleep. The guard then picked her up like they just got married and carried her back to a special room. All the guards came in and calmed everyone back down. I sat there thinking the perfect girl turned into a demon in front of me and thought she was Miley's age. Now I'm stuck forever in the same building after seeing her true colors in this psych ward.. Great

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