

replaced chapter 1: how it all began
Hi I'm layla. This is my story of how I got replaced. I have 3 friends. Alice smart and kind, sarah the cutest girl in the school and lastly, harper the strongest girl. I woke up as normal and I walked to school with my friends. "Hey! A new girl will come!" Exclaimed Alice.
"Wow! I hope she is nice!"
I nodded and we went to class. I sat there until the teacher came. "Alright students. A new girl will join us! Here she is. Her name is... What's your name?"
"Penelope or penny for short"
I looked at her for a second and thought she was kind. At lunchtime, I ate on the rooftop with my friends. Penny came over and sat next to us. "Hi! I'm the new girl. I'm penny or Penelope. Nice to meet you"
"I'm layla-"
"Oooh you look cute! What's your name?"
"I'm sarah. By the way layla wanted to introduce herself so go back to her"
Penny just stared at me and didn't even let me say my name! When the bell rung, I had maths with her. She sat behind me. Some time later, she held my hands up in the air and she knocked her chair over. "OWWWW YOU CRUEL FILTHY GIRL YOU PUSHED ME AHH!!" She wined. I cringed and like that "LAYLA DETENTION!"
"but miss-"
Ugh that wining girl. She told my friends I 'pushed' her and... They didn't believe her cause she had no proof. "Nice try" I thought to myself. Tommorow can't get any worse.. Or can it? Yep it did. Next morning I woke up and walked to school with my friends again. In English class, I needed to go to the toilet. Same as penny... Wow. I finished doing my business and she came in and told me to hold scissors because she needed it for next classes project. In the bathroom? But ok. She went out side and she had a knife in her pocket. She cut her cheek and I heard her crying. I went outside but she wasn't there. Just like that, my friends came. "HOW COULD YOU! WE WERE BEST FRIENDS!"

To Be Continued
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