

ILet me try to explain this, I am not whining, complaining, bitching or asking for help. I am venting. I may same all gloom and doom or at my wits end but this is all part of the process I use to stay sane. I vent a lot and at length. Do not be alarmed it’s never as bad as I make it out to be and there is a method behind all the madness. I vent to get things off my chest, clear the air and my head. Once I have gotten all the emotions and negativity out along with all the dire predictions and whoa as me's I can stand back and do what I do best which is tackle the issue head on and from a logical angle. All I want from you is a head nod and a geez that really sucks. I can solve most of my issues myself and when I do want or need help I will directly ask for it. Thank you all for showing concern but it is not your responsibility to fix my problems. Venting is one of my most useful coping skills because it lets me get it all on the table so I can get a good look at what im up against. Also it’s a good way to rid myself of excess or unwanted emotions by letting them flow out and dissipate. I will also run the slippery slope of worst possible outcomes just so I can be prepared if things do not turn out the way I would hope. In the end I can usually get a handle on things, take care of them and move on. I assure you that inside I am truly a very positive individual and it is venting that allows me to remain this way. Venting is just the first stop on my pathway to a decent solution to the challenges I face. So let me vent, I promise you I will be just fine in the end. This is a valuable tool I keep in my mental bag of tricks to keep myself safe and sane. When I used to hold it all in and dwell and ruminate on my issues the outcome was rarely a good one. But now when I purge all the negative self talk it is my greatest ways to set my head straight and get on working out my issues. Too many complain but do not use the opportunity once they get it out to look at the issue from a outside view point and actually come up with a worth while course of action. They sit right in the middle of the issue surrounded by it on all sides no end in sight and no path to a real solution. So my advice for you is to get it out, vent, rant, write nasty negative notes but then when you’ve released the pressure come back at take a look at the issue again from a new and less emotionally frustrated viewpoint. Works wonders I swear. Taking that step back is not only useful but healthy as well. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by what life likes to throw at us but believe me when I say that after a pressure release and a long step back if not immediately visible the answer will present itself in time. So when your kettle bubbles over give a good hot steamy whistle of a release to vent and then let it cool a bit and soon you’ll be relaxed and enjoying a nice tea with the rest of us, your problem handled and behind you.
© Elizabeth Moore