


'Reca, where are you? The day has welcome us not now yet you are still sleeping. What is wrong with you ', Omi, Reca's mother inquires.
' I am not sleeping mom. I am here in the bathroom taking my bath. Am already getting late for school today. But mom is my food ready?' She asked
'Yes please. Dress up fast and come for it, She said and in about some minutes, Reca, a fourteen years old girl enters the kitchen. She is nicely dressed in black straight uniform over a pair of white shoes.
'There is your food', Omi said pointing to a white flask in front of Reca.
'Thank you Mom. I shall be leaving now', Reca said closing the kitchen door. Omi rises up to bid her daughter a good bye but she was already gone. The girl is late for school today so she thought it wise not to also spend part of the time just to say bye. She therefore said it to herself and returned to her house whole chores. Just as she was about to continue she heard a voice from the compound. It was her husband, Amoa.
'Omi, where are you?', he asked.
'In the kitchen. Is there anything you want me to do for you? Omi asked from the kitchen.
Yes I want to have a word with you. If you can do me a favor, I would be very happy.
Omi came out of the kitchen wandering what exactly her husband wants them to discuss. She feels as though her neck was the pivot carrying the world. It wasn't her fault feeling so because Amoa was a man who can give anyone at any time the heaviest shock of their lives. As to whether it is her turn to collect her's, she cannot best tell. She prayed it shouldn't be something bitter. She then moves to where Amoa is sitting and sat on a bench that stood in front of Amoa.
I am all ears please. Can you go on?
'Yes I have called you here for you and I pounder on something very important. This morning I meet Mr Along, Reca's teacher', he said and paused for some minutes.
And what said he to you? Omi asked.
He said that very soon they will be given some students an unqualified graduation for....
Unqualified graduation? Omi interrupted. What do you mean by that? Explain it in a better way for me to understand please.
'I will not. Since you know more than I do, say it to yourself. Let me tell you this: If you don't destroy your impatience inextricably, you will swim in hot water one day. Where are you rushing to? You just tell me where you are rushing to. I have called you here to tell you something you don't know only to have you pull words out of my mouth. Am done with you. You can go wherever you want to go', he said and slammed his back on his lazy chair. Amoa knows in his heart that there is no way his wife will welcome the message he was about to lay bare. The only way he can do it is first become angry with his wife so that it will catalyst his plan to successfully relieve himself from shame.
'Am sorry for making you feel bad. Please pardon me for that mistake', Omi said from her lips. Even though she knows very well that she wasn't in anyway wrong for asking that question but she has nothing else to do.
Had it not been that my good spirits have visited me today, you would have regretted for your uncoof behavior. Now listen with your ears and your eyes and your noise. The teacher said that the students who have not paid their monies or school fees, if you like it, will soon be sucked home. That is all. Reca has not paid and that will mean she will soon join us here at home', Amoa said.
'I know it will not happen. Our daughter must be in school. At least we can sell some two or three cattle to raise some money and settle it', Omi said in a very low tone.
'And I know it will happen. In fact it has already happened ,and for your information, the cattle are for me alone not the two of us. So take note of that', he said sternly.
Why are you doing this? She is our daughter and....
'I need no ghost to tell me that my dear. True, Reca is our daughter and that is factual but what I want you to understand is that I will not pay that school fees period. I can't put my hook at where there is no fish to catch. I don't go about playing games that have no winning probability. So take note of this. I will not pay anything', he said.
'She is our own daughter and not only that our only daughter. Do you want to treat her like someone you don't even know? Oooh no. We need to do something about this', she said kneeling down.
'It is true that you didn't comprehend what I said. I understand. The body is willing but the brain is weak. That is why you lack understand. I see no reason why I should destroy my properties in the name of paying a girl school fees. Why try to make the unequal equal? If she was a boy, fine. Aleast I myself would have known the right thing to do. Even if it means selling all the cattle, I would have done that long time, but a girl, no way. Not even the dungs. No way can I do that and even if I can, l will not do it. I will not', he shouted.
'It is enough. Thank you very much', Omi said and as she gets up to go to her room, Reca enters.
'Mom and Dad, good afternoon', Reca greets but only her mother replied.
'Good afternoon my queen. Come and give me a hug', she said and they run towards each other and softly collide with each other. 'How was school today', Omi asked.
'School was fine mom except that our teacher said we should try and pay our fees by the end of next week.
That is my girl', Omi holds Reca by the hand. That is not a problem. Your dad and I will pay it before next week.
Thank you Mom and Dad.
'You are welcome my girl. Come let's go inside so you can get something to eat', Omi said leading Reca by the hand to the kitchen. Sit here and enjoy your meal. I will be back shortly.
She said to Reca and left the kitchen. She went to Atibil's house and just as she was about to enter into the compound, she meet Atibil. He is a sixty years old man, and one of the wealthy businessmen in Zabugu community. He is well known by many people because of his generosity. Omi also came to see him for support.
Good evening old one', she greets.
My daughter, you are welcome to my house. From the look in your eyes, am sure all is not well. Please tell me what is the matter?' he asked.
Please old one, I need your help. My daughter has been sacked out of school because she has not paid her school fees .Please just lent me GHc2000 so that I could put here back to school. Please old one, you are my last hope. Just do me a favor and I will not disappoint you. I will work hard to pay back in a month time', she said kneeling down.
For God sake don't kneel down. I Atibil know the kind of woman you are. Your hard work has spoken voluminous about you. Through your sweat, you have been able to cater for your daughter up to now. This alone is an achievement. I will help you my daughter but on one condition. Let no fifth ear hear of this. Our Elders said that the future is a mystery. You can never know who will help you tomorrow. So let it be a secret between us. For the secret of my blessing is helping others. Please wait for me here', he said and returned to the compound. He couldn't still understand why Amoa refused to pay for his own daughter. He knows that Amoa refused not that he cannot pay. Because with just an iota of his wealth, he can even pay with a remainder. But he has refused for reasons best known to him. He reappears from his room and moves towards Omi.
'You have come old one', she said happily.
Yes my daughter. Take this. That is GHc5000. Use part to pay for your daughter's fees and the reminder for business. As hard working as you are, my spirits tell me that you will do well in business. So take it', he said handing over the money to Omi.
Old one, do you mean all this is for me? Heavens please come down and kiss the earth. I can't believe this. Thank you so much. My you live long.
'Don't say it my daughter. The best investment that one can make is to invest in people, especially those in need. That is the only viable seed that can spring up even in the dry desert. My daughter, to refuse to help when one can help is the greatest failure to nature. And do you know what a failure to nature means? A failure to the Creator', he said.
'Thank you. People like you are gold to find. May the Great God bless you abundantly', she said. They farewell each other and Omi returned home. Reca is already done washing the dishes. She was there cleaning the compound when Omi entered.
Mom, you kept long.
Yes. It was necessary. The friend I went to meet wasn't at home. So I had to wait for her. But Reca, is there anything?
Not really, mom, I was only anxious to see you.
And now am here for you my girl. Let me get inside to prepare something special for my queen for supper. Reca, can you remember what you said the other day? That you want to become a doctor?
Ahhh mom, how will I forget such a good ambition? I want to help my people especially my colleague girls', Reca replied.
'That is a good idea. Work hard. I will forever do my best possible to help you actualize your dreams', Omi said.
Thank you Mom. I will make you and Dad proud.
'That is my girl', Omi said moving to here room.
Ten years passed as fast as the speed of light. Reca has graduated from her medical training in the Ghana medical school. After her graduation, she made her mind that she will return to Zabugu, her village to serve her people. She left Accra at around 3:00Pm and about 4: 00Am, she was already in Zabugu. Amoa's house is about ten minutes walk from the main road. Reca alights at a place called Zabugu junction and begin to walk home. When she was within a stone through from the house, she observed that the place where her father normally keep the cattle is empty. It also too early to conclude that may the shepherd has sent the cattle into the forest to graze. She didn't believe it. Something was telling her that the may be they are with Aseni, the Fulani. For that is how people do. When one realized that he is growing old but have no one to take care of their cattle for them, they send them to the Fulani. Yes that must be the case. Because such a gigantic wealth cannot just vanished within the twinkle of an eye. She moves inside the compound but one was on sight. Something told her to announce her presence but something stopped her. As she decides which one to follow, her mother Came out.
M-o-t-h-e-r-r-r-r', she screamed run towards her mother.
You are already her. Glory glory be to God. My girl is back from the Universit . Come on, give me a hug', she said and hugging Reca tightly
Yes Mo . I just arrived.
Thank God for bringing you home safely. I was coming to meet you at the junction to wait for you. You Bus departed early right?
Yes Mom. We left Accra around 3:00Pm.
'Oh God, thank you. You have done it for me and my family. Come Reca, come put your luggage down and go greet your father. He is inside his room', Omi said.
Is he up from bed, mom? It is still early dawn.
'Then let's go in. When he wakes up you can go and greet him', Omi said leading Reca to her (Omi) room. Amoa was not actually sleeping. He heard all what Reca and her mother were talking. They didn't say anything bad about him but that was not his worry. His worry was the shame this little girl has put him in. Will he be able to look his own daughter and wife? Will his daughter forgive him for refusing to take care of her? These were the questions that was going on in his mind. He thought of them as he picks himself from his bed and moves towards the door. Omi was in the kitchen preparing breakfast while Reca was in the bathroom taking a shower. Amoa came out and moved to the center of the compound where water was kept. He took a cup, fetched some water and rinsed his mouth. Just as he was about to return to his room, Reca greets him coming out of the bathroom. He responded accordingly without turning his face to see who it was. Reca went inside, dressed and went to properly greet her father. After some normal exchange of greetings, Amoa inquired about Reca's stay in the University. Reca could see that something was worrying her father but she dare not to ask. When everything was over, Reca join her mother in the kitchen and Amoa also followed shortly. Omi has already finished and the table was set. The three sat enjoying their meal. When everyone was done eating Omi cleared the table and Reca took the plates to the kitchen.
Omi, call Reca to come. I have a word for the both of you', Amoa said calmly.
Reca, please come. Your father wants to have a word with us', Omi called and in no time, Reca join them inside the kitchen.
Omi, my wife , Reca, my daughter, I have called you here to render an unqualified apology for everything that I have done. Especially to you my daughter for not paying your fees up to the university. I was blind by traditional believes that educating the girl child is a waste of time and resources. I was guided by the belief that girls must always stay home and not to go about doing things that men are supposed to do. I was deceived by my own colleagues that girls are only supposed to grow and become mothers and nothing else and that the traditional office of woman is their kitchen. But now I know that all these things holds no water. If there is there is anyone worth praises, that person should be your mother. This has proven to only not me but to several souls across the globe that women can also do better. Out of her sole sweat is what have made you who you are today. I am....
Dad, it is okay. That is far gone. What we all should be happy now is that, at least I have graduated as a doctor and am here to serve my own people. Let us concentrate on what we have now and the future. The past is gone. The future is still to come. So worrying about the past will not change anything. The future is still in our hands. So let us do with the present and forget the past', Reca said.
'That is true', Omi said.
Father, mother, everyone, there is a benefit educating the girl child than restricting them to the kitchen. Let us all help in educating the girl child', Reca said.
Yes it's beneficial to also educate the girl child', Amoa and Omi also said.


EDITED BY:Sule Ramani Basintale