


I was just wondering, 💭 how will it be if I ask Jesus to dance with me when I get to heaven!😇 I wondered if would be romantic 💞for there is the gold floor, the glittering things💫, the angels singing👼, I on a princess gown with a tiara on my head👰🏽 I know it sounds funny but just flows with my thoughts more than just romantic it's heavenly 👼🏼! But right now I'm here on earth🌎 I need some practice to dance properly with Jesus, so here on earth is my practicing platform so this how my practice goes, with every stretch, every bend, and turn high and a low 💃the whole body hurts maybe even a fall, a scratch, and bruise, and a scar but I'll never stop to practice at all. For I know the kingdom of God is at hand ⛪. Oh my, I must be prepared, I'm on my rehearsal round called grace and mercy. I have to get ready for my final show💃. So I wonder why don't you also try dancing people? I know it sounds crazy💥 you can choose whatever you are comfortable with you can try a ballet, a salsa may be a hip hop, or even freestyle who cares as long as you try it out for Jesus. Who knows Jesus can do a freestyle too!! Let's be prepared and hope to see you all at the final performance to dance with Jesus. Don't miss the show, I wish every one of you the best of luck! Let's learn to dance for Jesus as a family.

Thank you

💞 With love Katherine Phebe(Kate)
© Katherine Phebe