

SDP promises to mobilise Nigerians for protest if government fails to address prevailing insecurity and high cost of living
The Social Democratic Party SDP wants the Presidency to reciprocate Nigerians by putting smiles on their faces with good policies and programmes to end the current insecurity and hardship in the country.

In the Salah message, the national chairman of the party, Shehu Gabam urged President Bola Tinubu to direct the Minister of Power to rescind what he described as “reckless decision” on the Electricity Tariff Hike as well as the planned removal of its subsidy; as this will only exacerbate the economic hardships of Nigerians and further increase the poverty level.

He also call on the State Governors and Local Council Authorities to be responsive to the plight of Nigerians.

Gabam said “Failure to adhere to the above, the SDP, as a viable opposition political party Will not hesitate to mobilise Nigerians for a peaceful mass Protest against the “inhumane” decision by the government.

He calls on President Bola Tinubu NOT to take the goodwill of Nigerian voters for granted by inflicting unbearable pains on them through “anti-people” policies.

Gabam said the President was ill-advised in taking the “unpopular” decision to raise electricity tarrif from N68 to N255 per kilowatts-hour, effective April 1, 2024, at this critical time of mounting economic challenges, and that his advisers who sold the idea to him neither love him nor desire the stability of his government.

Gabam commends Nigerians for their patients, doggedness and resilience in the face of the prevailing hardship in the country occasioned by the removal of Petroleum Subsidy; the pains of which they still bear the brunt.

While he reminded the citizens of their rights to hold their representatives/leaders at all levels of government accountable, Gabam emphasized the need for the citizens not to give up on Nigeria .

The Social Democratic Party national leader however advised Muslims to contribute their quota to national development and eschew acts detrimental to peace, unity and progress of Nigeria .

SDP advised Muslims to emulate the virtues and teachings of Prophet Muhammad by being steadfast, honest, sincere and corrupt-free.

The party tasks them to imbibe the spirit the spirit of Holy Month and beyond and spread love to their neighbours and fellow countrymen irrespective of their faith, culture and ethnicity.