

Unlike the vast sports betting companies that require one to take part but, only with a smart phone
The prominent tel-communication companies MTN and AIRTEL
Launched lucky three and Supa-three where all customers have a chance to win over 78 million shillings respectively

[All you’ve got to do is send an SMS daily to the code below
worth 1000/= to stand a chance to become a millionaire]

Says the presenter on television on Saturday evening as they air out the weekly winners
Me: This is too good to be true,I think, its like presenting an egg for an exchange of a Friesian cow

[I say to my brother]

Who has spent a fortnight sending the 1k SMS and waits for his call to a millionaire life every Saturday, but seems filling a cup which is already full
Still that evening, after confirming that he didn’t go through, he continues to affirm to himself that his time is coming.
Me: Okay, I wish you all the best brother
On Wednesday - 10:30 a.m.

[While taking breakfast, a phone vibrating is heard,]

Me: Should I pick…
Brother: No! Thanks, get it over to me.
On looking at the screen, he gets his face shinning
Brother: Finally! Brother we are rich!
Me: What’s it all about?
Brother: Have a look, it’s a call from Yello’ Money, please get me a piece of paper and a pen closer.
Me: could you put it in loud please,
Finally he picks and while we’re all assertively listening,
Stranger: Hello Richard! You’ve been chosen as our lucky winner this week.
You’ve won yourself 78 million shillings. So how do you feel?

[brother quickly replies]

Brother: Am so excited
Stranger: So for how long have you been sending the SMS
Brother: On a daily basis, I’ve even sent one today fifteen minutes back.
Stranger: Okay, well. This is a platform we organized to
give back to our customers like you.
Brother: Okay,
Stranger: So, to receive your money, … do you have where to write?
Brother: Yes, I do
Stranger: Good! Please note this number down.

[he reads the contact as brother write it down]

Stranger: You are to receive your 78 millions on your mobile account after sending 150,000/= on the contact I have just read to you. Please be fast before the offer expires. How long do you think it will take you?
Brother: Am… like an hour
Stranger: Richard, that’s too long, can’t you make it immediately, anyway
though this offer does not wait, we’ll pardon you for only ten (10) minutes.
Brother: Did you call me; Richard?
Stranger: Oh yes, aren’t you Richard? Who are you then?
Brother: Am sorry please! You could have called a wrong number.
Stranger: Who are you? You are our weekly winner for lucky three here at yellow money.

[brother ends the call, immediately and looks steadily for a while]

Me: That must have been a scammer.
Brother: Yeah, but how could I have been cheat, moreover its Wednesday yet those calls are made on Saturday.
Me: Sure, but anyway, you’ve got to be vigilant for not all that glitters is gold.

[Brother walks away from the dining table seeming to have lost his appetite]

Later in the evening, I received a notification on my cell phone that whistles breaking the silence in the living room where my brother and l were seated reading. On checking to find out what it was all about,

[the message read]

Dear customer, you are our first lucky weekly winner in the Supa-three program. For you to receive your monetary prize, please call back on the contact below. Regards M. Airtel
Me: Look brother, another scammer is here!
Brother: why do you call it a scam? First call back the contact sent to you.
Me: Am wondering how I can be among the supa-three winners
When I’ve never subscribed for it,
It’s a scam brother!

© Mike Ssendikwanawa