

It was mie's first day at school. she have gotten expelled from many school so far. the first time was her being framed, the second one was an accident and so many more.
mie: oh, I can't wait for me to get to school.
mom: what do you mean you can't wait.You have been expelled from any school and you can't wait??
mie: because I'm sure I'm going to become the most popular girl at school.
mom: no one willpossibly want to be friends with someone who have been expelled from many school so far.
mie: mum please don't say that. no one will even know that.
mom: okay. hurry up and don't miss the school bus.
(the mum gave her a kiss and mie also gave her a kiss as well)
( mie was alone in the library communicating with her self)
mie: I can't wait till I meet the principal of the school. and I promise that this time I am not going to miss behave.
junfeng: hey you so beautiful what's your name??
mie: my name is mie
junfeng: That's beauty full name. do you mind if we...
mie: if you we what??
junfeng: if we....
mie: .....
teacher: hey. mie, the principal called for you.
mie: okay.
(mie leaves without saying anything to junfeng)
junfeng: .....

( 30 minit at school, as mie was passing by the principal..)
mie: yes sir, you called for me.
principal: wait wait wait wait, I know you before. I hate your mom more than i hate myself.
mie: wait, you are the guy who arrested my mum few years ago.
principal: that's right. and I'm going to make sure you get expelled as my own revenge to your mom.

© son goku