

It was in the wee hours of the night just before the moon shone bright in the dark sky. Paul a mechanic and Mitchell a doctor were heading to the hospital. Her wife was to give birth in Just a few moments. Before arriving, they were stopped three miles away by the police. He shore his torch on the car went round the car observing and checking every nook and cranny of the car. A few minutes later, his wife convinced in the car, her water broke and blood oozed out. He was let go and he drove the car at a super sonic speed to the hospital. In the entrance, the nurses were waiting for her, she was carried on the streacher and taken to the OR for surgery. "Excuse me sir, you can't enter in her ull have to wait outside" one of the nurses said. He walked to a mounted sit on the wall and started praying to the almighty God. In the morning, he was awoken by the doctor saying her wife and child are now safe." Would you like to see them" asked doctor Maya. They walked straight to a nearby room written ward 101. He knelt down near the hospital bed where his wife was laid and started crying thanking the all might God for what he has done." Stand up, don't be a sowerpuss be brave" said Mitchell. Without hesitating he stood up and hugged his wife. "Here she is, Monica named after my late granny, do you like it?" Asked Mitchell. He didn't say a word for a while buh when he saw the baby he said," it's perfect".
After three to four hours later, the doctor come back to discharge her and the child. Just three metres to the car, Paul noticed something odd on the vehicle. It was oddly shaped, with 3 circular shaped buttons. He held his hands out and instructed them to move back. Just as they were moving away from the car, the timer started to count down. "Every one run" said Paul as he pushed his wife and kid away from the car. People moved hether skelter run the hospital parking lot. "Boom" it was heard from inside the hospital. They run for there life out of the hospital compound through the streets. The fire brigade without hestiting arrived at the nick of time. After the massive search and rescue, it was confirmed that over 600 patients died in the ICU while 50retained major injuries. The news spread all over the news platform saying it was the worst bomb blast ever. The survives were taken to different hospital, some were taken by flight,some by road. Just before the last transporter left, an unidentified aircraft entered the troposphere descending down to the ground. It landed in infront of the transporter. Every police personel, FBI AGENT took out there rifle and corked their guns. "TPD lay down your weopon and come out with ur hand on your head" said Johnson, the sheriff. Laughter was heard from the ship, the doors opened slowly as smoke filled the entrance. " No it can't be, I thought you died" said Paul in shock. His mind and Spirit were somewhere else while his body was like it was glued onto the ground. He could not move nor speak or utter any word. " Paul, my old friend we meet again" the unknown being spoke not facing the congregation but facing only Paul. He stepped out of the aircraft and walked slowly towards Paul. The man was like the ones From the 18centuary, but the design of the aircraft gave a different timeline. The design and technology used in the plane was from the future maybe 100 years From now. Suddenly, all went black. The city was experiencing the worst black out of the decade. Just before, the clock hit 12 midnight the lights come back on. Paul, his wife and the weird aircraft were gone, its like they disappeared in seconds without a trace. No one had a clue where they went. A few kilometers from the crime scene in a nearby church, Monica the young baby was found crying by the priest. " Poor child, why you all alone in this dark cold night" asked the priest. Beside her,was a necklace and a note written "protect this child, at age 15 give her the necklace she'll know the way. An evil will raise, blood will fill like lakes, it will ooze like Rivers, she only she knows how to stop this menace." After reading the note, it started to burn then the ashes were blown away by the cold night wind.