

The Night of Trauma - PII
This is the story of a beautiful, young soul being traumatized:

"My lord; what has happened to my kid??" Julie wailed. Without a moment to recollect what could've happened, she rushed to the hospital. After being taken into the surgery room, Julie collected herself to think of what has actually happened. She was wondering what could've been the reason for Ally's unconsciousness: "Why wasn't Ally waking up? "What has happened to Ally?" What's with the stain?" "And...why didn't Ally wake up yesterday when I picked her up from the Carson's Family?" She stumbled upon the scene that had taken place at the Carson's Family's house. Ally was a light sleeper, she could easily be woken up; wherein the day she was picked up from there, she didn't seem to be opening her eyes. While the interrogation she had in her mind was still going on, her phone buzzed. It was David. "Hi honey! Is everything alright? You'd not called me in hours!!!" he asked gently with care. "It's just the... Ally's been... admitted in the hospital" she said while scratching her neck as one does when anxious. "Hospital?! he uttered sharply. "What's wrong?" he...