

Dreams to fulfill ( part II)
Sir! sir! what are you doing back off, Diana Ross screams as she leans on the office table. Scared and terrified she notices a flower vase on top of the office cupboard, she rushes to it and grabs it.

Sir, give me the keys or I will smash your head, she says this with her eyes wild open with frustration and anger Witten all over her face. The director with a smirk on his face starts going closer to Diana, I can see you are a wild cat and that's how I like my woman, come to me I know u also want to.

Immediately he got close enough Diana swings the vase and bashes his head as hard as she could, before the director could fall down she kicks hard on his pants limiting the ability for him to have children.

The director falls down growling in pain, Diana reaches in his pocket grabs the keys of the office door, immediately after opening the door, she rushes out of the room running past the secretary who looks surprised.

Guards!!, guards!! the director shouts, go catch that girl she has just assaulted me, Diana looks behind to see a trail of guards following her, she pushes past the front door security guards and rushes outside.

Diana keeps on running, pushing and bumping into people, she immediately decides to pass cross the street, without looking left or left she was bashed by a Rolls Royce and Diana fail down on the road and her world completely went black.

Doctor!! Doctor she is waking up the nurse runs to call the doctor, Diana slowly opens her eyes, looking around her she can clearly see, she is in the hospital hooked up to monitors and fluids. The Doctor quickly arrives in the room, checking her eyes and everything to see if she is okay.

Hello miss, do you know who you are? the doctor asks while looking at Diana, yes My name is Diana Ross. okay that's good, that's good the Doctor replies, Do you remember what happened to you??
Yes doctor I was hit by a car yesterday I think and that's why am in the hospital!.

The doctor shakes his head, No miss Ross you have being here for three months stack in a coma, Diana Ross eyes where now wild open, Did you say three months doctor. Oh my God!! she didn't know what to do or say next!!!

Seeing that you are awake now, you will be discharged tomorrow after we observe you for today, Diana simply just nodded wondering what's next now.

The next morning, The nurse came in to Diana Ross room to give her are belongings, This is not my clothes but the bag yes it's mine, Diana complained or Ms Ross these are all new clothing bought for you since the clothes you where wearing when the accident happened where bloody and was immediately disposed off and replaced by Mr Hunt.

who is Mr Hunt??, Diana asked the nurse, oh you really don't know James Hunt or you are joking, he is a business tycoon, you where hit by his car, he even paid all your medical bills for the last three months!? nothing is for free you know, and according to the reports we got, you are the one who run towards his car. Look Ms Ross he even left his business card for you so that should contact him after you recovered if there is anything you need.

After the nurse left Diana held Mr James Hunt business card in her hand and looked at it, the doctor came in her room to discharge her, Diana sat at the edge of her bed wondering if the man who rescued her knew she had already woken up and atleast she should thank him.

After Diana was discharged she remembered she had no place to go or sleep since she was staying in a hostel before she was in an accident, she Wondered what had happened to her belongings after she didn't return to her room for the past three months, so she decided to return to the hotel to inquire about her belongings.

Excuse me madam my name is Diana Ross and I was staying in this hotel three months ago, room number 13 I would like to ask about what happened to my suitcase which I left in the room. the receptionist just looked at Diana and asked one of the cleaners to inform Diana what happened to her clothes, the cleaner informed Diana that they had to dispose of her belongings after keeping her suitcase in the store-room for months.

Diana just left the hotel wondering what she would do next, she came to this city so that she can become a movie star and she doesn't see that happening since she doesn't even have a coin to her name, she opened her bag and got out James Hunt business card, atleast she should thank him first before she planned her next move in life.

© Mkay