

Chapter 2
"What the hell's wrong with you! You can't bring back live prey! What if it escapes and tells the authorities?" Riah yelled at Dagon. "Look, I broke his leg, so if he dose escape he won't get far." Dagon said pointing to the boy, now laying in a cage in my workshop. "Well at least you thought of that!" Riah exclaimed. "Hey, I don't get why we're not killing him right now." Sithe pointed out. "If there's a risk it might tell the authorities, then why don't we just kill it, and get it over with?" she asked. "Because, I heard from a little bird." Dagon said mysteriously. "People pay for his parts." she said with a smile. "Elaboration." Lyra said twirling her dark hair. "We can sell his body parts, and even liquids!" she said excitedly. "How much?" Amarah asked. "A few thousand for just a finger." Dagon said pinching her fingers in the length of an index finger. Amarah looked in thought, twiddling her thumbs as she leaned on the table we stood around. Her blond hair escapes from behind her ear, and falls over her temples. "Alright then." she said, coming to a decision. "We'll start once we get a buyer." she said standing straight again. "Sithe, you work on getting this logoed." She said looking over at Sithe, who nodded her head understanding. "And Tessa," she said looking down at me. "You deal with removing the parts." she said and walked off with the others. Once they were gone, a rush of excitement flowed in me, and my fist pumped in the air. Because, this was the first time, I was able to do something worth while. And it exited me to the core.