

The Hypocrite
Been said the reason for Christian’s loss in faith too often. As well for the non-believers, the reason used for being such..

I feel like the “disbelief factor” in such a reason as this being to blame isn’t shared widely enough. As Christians we are all admitted sinners/hypocrites and in truth there is no good in us apart from Christ. This being our belief as well as the cornerstone on which our faith is built.. we are sinners in need of a savior. And I damn sure know this to be true because I have my own demons. I am a recovering drug addict and I have recently used. This is only truth.. My having undoubted faith in my belief as a Christian is also only truth. They are simply both true (Christian/Drug addict). BY NO MEANS AM I CONDONING DRUGS.. NOR AM I A FAN OF USING GRACE AS AN EXCUSE… Quite the opposite really because as Christians we are given the power to overcome such things.

..In my approach I try to be careful and mindful in clearing things up.. careful in hindsight I...