



(Love's Journey: Seza and Artav)

Few months are left for the schools and the board examinations."
"Seza and Artav had planned to talk less on the phone and start preparing for their exams."
"Late in the evening, Seza was preparing for her trial examinations. It was around 11 pm. Her eyes grew weary from staring at the screen for longer hours. It was painful. Eyelids started to droop low with heaviness, and she felt so exhausted that she decided to sleep."
"Hours went by, she suddenly felt the vibration of her phone. She tried to get hold of her phone and pressed the power button and found that it was 2 am and she had 5 missed calls from Artav."
"She panicked upon seeing the missed calls late at night."
"She called him back, but he didn't receive the call, even after she tried almost more than 10 times."
"Her heart started beating so fast, she didn't know what to do."
"Different thoughts made her agitated."
"She tried to push out those scary thoughts and close her eyes. After a few attempts, she could finally sleep."
"Early in the morning, she got up from her bed and checked her phone, but there was no response or missed call."
"She tried to call him, and after a long ring, Artav picked up the call."
"She asked about the missed calls, and he said that he was frustrated and sad due to certain issues, so he called to listen to her voice."
"He asked her to come soon for coaching classes, and she said okay and hung up the call."
"When Artav came to pick her up, she could see the sadness on his face; his mood was off."
"That day, he didn't give her a driving class; he directly took her to coaching class."
"Seza tried to improve his mood, but she couldn't, and instead, Artav shouted at her."
"At last, Seza gave up and stayed quietly with a sad face."
"After the classes were over, Seza walked away without talking a single word."
"Artav followed her, but he couldn't stop her."
"She was sad and hurt by the way Artav shouted at her in front of everyone."
"Artav tried to call, but she disconnected the call."
"Artav started regretting his rude behavior towards her."
"When Artav came to pick her up for school, her mom said that she had already left."
"Artav was sure that he had hurt her badly; he rushed towards the school and entered the class."
"Seza was talking with Arshana, and he moved towards his desk."
"He pulled Seza's cheeks, but she didn't react."
"Artav knew that she was pissed off; to console her, he started playing with her hair, but she didn't bother."
"At last, he apologized to her and said that he would not shout again."
"By seeing his puppy face, she couldn't be more pissed off with him, and she smiled slightly."
"While going back home, Artav stopped his car and said that he needed to talk to her."
"After about 30 minutes of talks, Artav said..."Seza ,what I am planning was lets not use any social accounts ,let's deactivate our accounts, let's stay away from facebook, what's app, instagram".
"Seza asked, 'What are you saying? Are you serious? You know I can't stay away from social media.'"
"Artav said, 'Yes, I know you are addicted to it, and it will be difficult for you to stay away from social media, but it's for our betterment.'"
"He said, 'I feel that in the future, because of these social media, we will have misunderstandings and problems in our relationship. I hope you understand, so think properly and decide calmly.'"
"Seza started to overthink; she didn't understand what he was saying."
she went home and was thinking about it
"After checking her phone, she found that Artav had deleted his accounts."
"She sacrificed her happiness just to make him happy and said with a heavy heart, 'Okay! I will do it asap.'"
"For the last time, she saw all her accounts, and for Artav's happiness, she deleted all her accounts permanently."
"It was hard for her to deactivate because she had a huge number of memories and pictures on her accounts, but she did it only to see Artav's happiness."
"The whole night, she couldn't sleep as she was so into social media."
"After a week, she got adjusted to life without social media."
"Artav and Seza used to spend all night talking on the phone, discussing studies and assignments."

"One day, Seza stumbled upon her dad's phone while it was charging in her room. Feeling bored, she decided to take a peek. Scrolling through the contacts on WhatsApp, her eyes landed on Artav's name. Initially, she thought it was pointless to check since he had supposedly deactivated his account. However, an inner instinct urged her to open the chat. To her shock and dismay, she discovered that Artav was online. She couldn't believe it. Checking their conversation and his status, she realized he never deactivated his account. In a moment of innocence and sacrifice, she had deleted her own accounts for his happiness. Feeling utterly betrayed and hurt, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being deceived. Despite the pain, she mustered the strength to call Artav, pretending to be unaware of the truth. Masking her emotions, she calmly asked him about life without social media. Meanwhile, he casually mentioned that he had simply forgotten to tell her something important
Seza: "What?"
Artav: "Actually, I'm sorry, baby. I reactivated my account this morning. I found it too hard to stay away from social media. So, could you please reactivate yours?"
Seza already knew the truth but chose to avoid conflict.
She replied, "It's okay. At least you told me. Don't be sorry."
Artav: "I meant to tell you in class, but I forgot. Why don't you reactivate your accounts? Let's chat."
Seza, tears welling up in her eyes, responded, "Actually, I permanently deactivated my account. I can't use it anymore. I'll have to create new ones."

Artav: "Don't worry. You can use mine or I'll help you create new ones tomorrow."
Seza firmly declined, "No, it's okay. I don't want to use either yours or mine. I'm fine without it."
Artav: "Are you sure?"
Although Seza pretended to be okay, deep down, she was profoundly hurt by Artav's lies and flaws. She cried in secret, concealing her emotions and sadness from him for the first time. The lies gnawed at her, but she still maintained her trust in him, choosing to view the situation positively. Slowly, she pushed aside her doubts and ignored the pain, believing that there must be a reason for Artav's dishonesty.
"After some days, teachers started sending past exam sample papers and work through WhatsApp."
"Artav insisted her to activate her WhatsApp, but she never did."
"Because of Artav's influence, she started doing well in her studies and all her works."
"She was an average student before, but later, because of Artav's positive impact, she reached a high level and became a top-ranking student."
"All teachers were happy about her rapid progress and started appreciating, but she never took the credit; she always passed the credit to Artav."
"She thanked Artav several times because of his support and help."
"Next day, Artav handed over a mini bag to her, and Seza was shocked."
"She laughed infectiously and said, 'You are embarrassing me, Aatu. Instead of giving you, you are giving me.'"
"Seza opened the box, and it was a wristwatch."
"She felt that all the good things were on her side."
"She too bought tons of gifts and sent them to Artav with a small note..."
Dear Aatu,

I have no idea how I got so lucky to have the best boyfriend ever, but I am sure glad that I did! Thank you so much for everything you do for me and everything you are. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together showing the same kindness and love back to you.

I love you and I always will.

With all my heart,

"After receiving it, Artav scolded her for sending lots of gifts, but he loved all her sense of gifts."
"Their love was getting stronger each day, and they were the best among all"