

No One There
Without trust it was hard for her to reach out to someone and ask for help. She knew the day would come where she would indeed do the right thing not realizing how wrong the right thing felt. She put her plan into action just as they all told her to do, she may look grown up and strong but she is a child a little scared girl who looked to her mentors and her role models for some kind of assistance some kind of helpful words to ensure she's not alone and make her feel that it will all be ok, but what she found was the ugly truth. No help, no advice, no clue how to help her she put her trust in very few people and when she did she was not surprised to be let down, she felt anger looking back on conversations she hated to have but was forced to all the while her knowledge of the situation, she played it cool and told stories that had nothing to do with her but hey they bought it so she sold it like a star. Everything she already knew was confirmed by no helping hand, no relief or comfort, so she did what she knew best and ran away. Away from the trap full of lies and deceit she stumbled in. Let's not be ignorant. Do not dance with stiff legs , the body can't lie, and to see inside the soul through an eye is a gift, to seek with your heart is to never be mislead or decieved, being right about yourself and your instincts is the key that'll open doors to places not yet imagined, shes finally found her footing, shes trusting in herself, and with her by her side she can't lose this game of hide and seek. Right is Left so don't forget and down is up with up being down, hidden is to be shown, you've covered all that is shameful the covers are gone and there's nothing to sneak, it's all in the open for all eyes to see, silence so golden with an ear that can't hear if it shall speak.