

At the morning, Ron got a email.
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago. He read it whole and found that his friend had written about his death a year ago, before his actual death.Hearing it by an hour he went to his friend home, it was in Merlin.He went there with his friend house with Car. he remember that in that email ,he's friend mention that there are some unrealistic things were happen always. Ron starts thinking ,what it would be?,it might be wrong,he must be murdered and so on.
After an hour,he reached his friend house. Again , Ron gone through the email he got. And suddenly I is been shocked. He starts sweating. He get inside their house, and he knocked the door. Few times later, A lady open the door andasking for whom he's looking for. Ron asked lady about Mr.Samith, who had an car accident and died on the spot. I came her to know the truth.He told me in his house, he felt some unconditional powers.When the lady here about it, he called his husband and make Ron believe that the things he had said is wrong. And Ron is expecting the same as he came to know that he has no friend named with Mr smith,He just read the half part of the email and hadnt look who had send it and he came all along to the house of to know the real truth,he thought about his closefriend, James who died last month so he went to the address from where it came may be its their relatives But he get shocked when he came to know about it. After this incident he went back to his home in car, driving way to home he only thinking about it how he did this it was so suprising...
He trusted the email.
