

Little Love
In, the dark of night Sophia stepped outside from her house, and walk a mile away from her home confused and frustrated, screaming and crying.She heard a sound of a dog barking, she walked pass the barking dog without crying or screaming.
She become tasty and tried,and rest on a
beanch close to the dog house, when the dog saw what just happened he felt pity
for her.He pick up a bucket he master drop filled with water and take it to were Sophia was resting and pure some on her body and drop the rest on the floor. Sophia fear for she could not open her eyes to see where the water was coming from (the dog was still there looking at her )She opened her eyes a little and found the dog which was barking a minute ago when she passed.
The dog bark again to tell her that he brought drinkable water for her, in surprise Sophia drank the water in a hurry and thank the dog for his little Love and went home, meanwhile the dog stood there to see what direction she was going

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