

The Ghost (part 2)
Well, the next morning, Margaret realised one thing's for sure, she certainly wasn't drunk or sleepy and she still couldn't feel the clasp. She lives alone so there isn't anyone she could call to give her a hand with it. She decided to wear clothes that looked good with the necklace as she was already late two minutes late to her resumption of thirty minutes earlier at work. There has to be someone that could help her over there even if it has to be perverted lil' old Thomas Gilbert.
So, she rushed to work making it there 20 minutes earlier, she was so disappointed in herself, (did I mention that she lives a ten minutes drive from her office, one can never leave to close to their office as far as she is concerned). So, she got to her usual routine, time to check the schedule for today, no one wants surprise meetings. She heard some noise at the kitchen where the tea's made and she thought it was Judy the tea girl, an be she decided to speak to her as she came five minutes later than usual. She has to find out what happened as she doesn't need an emotional worker right now. But she went down to the kitchen, and heard noise coming from the out end of the kitchen when there was a note behind the kitchen: Judy telling her that she has a family gathering to attend and she wouldn't be at able to make it to work. So who was at the back of the kitchen, behind her?
© Oghenejivwe Ese-oghene Abundance