

What I Needed Most
Walking through the bottom of life, where every penny had to count for something and every action taken had to meet a need, felt like floating through existence. The labels that get attached. Don’t ask for anything, you’ll be noted as ‘needy’. Feelings of having to figure out everything on my own.

The frustrations that would always come with events. The gatherings where something was always expected. The costs attached with nothing to give. The murmurings that floated through the air as labels came, ‘too poor to give’.

Can’t count how many times the thoughts ran through my mind, ‘someone to be on my side would be nice’. Encouraging words would have gone a long way. Naming something I was doing right would have lifted my inside spirits.

What was needed most seemed to never come, until twenty years later. Was it too late? Twenty years of the need not being met.

With my mind floating back to those memories, I finally realized. It made me stronger with feeling I couldn’t afford to quit. I couldn’t allow others to go hungry, and their needs not be met.

In the course of it all, love was built. The idea of someone to care.

Moral of the story: Kind and encouraging words costs nothing, except the time it takes to give them.

#encouragement #kindness #consideration #compassion #writcostory #writcoapp #writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton