

simiulation outbreak (part five)
As were soring through the air i ask himwhats going on and he tells me that i am a vary importent person and the government as been searching everywhere for me. I got super confused " Why would the government be looking for me i mean i am just a girl on my way to work the same as everyother gilr here."
" NO your not like everyother girl here your in a simulation everything you do everyday is fake it's just a big trap. yout only one who can stop or i should sa break the simulation and show everyone the truth. Thats why the government is after you so the can kill you before it happens you are called the simulation breaker understand.". I weakly notted and kep my mouth shut he seemed to be getting angery so i desided peace would be great for him right now. we had manged to get above the clouds when there was a loud crash i look to the back and ....