

Polar opposites part 1
Chapter 1
Red blue. Black and white. Evil and good. Life and death. Beauty and ugliness are the polar opposites of the world.

But nobody said that they are incompetent.
Happiest man can brighten a person up from sorrow and despair.
Our boy Haru was a simple boy on the outside. He was 5ft 9
Slim but not skinny he was pretty tall for a Japanese student
But he looks like a young man if I may say so.
He's got a hair darker than black and eyes that like the sky
on a beautiful summer day.
As I said he was a simple man in school bit when it comes to
appearance out of school you could say
that he looked profound like som gentleman always
following the same dress code
He had to look professional, and clean
His personality was to one like a gentleman
he always showed up on time. He's calm and collected as one would say a psychiatrist.
And he was extremely smart to get a grasp of the situation fast and take control of his favor.
But despite that, he after some time looked to himself as an elite despite his financial decisions and heritage.
He's in fact really blush full and kind of awkward when anyone talks about his interest.
He starts stuttering and mumbling
not like his usual self.
Despite that, he made a friend. a friend that would cheat him never betray under no circumstances
A true friend.
My friend's name was Rei.
And aside from that, it was a very girlish name it didn't bother him.
It was like that he was made for Haru.
Haru is especially found of his friend and gets in useless confrontation when somebody makes fun of Rei.
Around the school, they are known as PERFECT DUO.
In arias when one is lacking the other is filling perfectly.

On the other side of the spectrum.
There was Yui a polar opposite of Haru.
She was pretty small I comparison with Haru. She was like other regular weight for her size. Her hair was beautiful not like the rest she had golden hair.
But eyes darker than pits of hell.and that made her look that much more intimidating.
She was not like regular students and modified her outfit.
Weared jacket around her waist
Opened her shirt to loose
But she wore a blue tank top undernet
She was never alone and always with a group of her friends that she secretly despised.
Outside of school she always wore large hoodies and yoga pants. But that didn't bother her too much because she almost never vents outside.
Unlike hard, she came from a wealthy family but she didn't care about money so she moved to the apartment by herself.
She's irrational some times
But very quick-minded when somebody insulted her.
Shes a dim minded person so her attitude to others looked childlike.
People most of the time said weird things to her like she so small she would fit in his wallet so she looked them with a site of fury and most of the time people would stop.
So that's our characters
How will they meet
That's the answer everybody wants to know

Chapter 2
The sorry starts in vermilion high school in the same center in Japan
Our boy Haru is a junior in school. So he had to pick a club
That didn't go well with him because
He doesn't have a lot of friends.
So his only option was to pick something he liked
That was easy for Haru because he really likes storytelling
But he was thinking that there's going to be a lot of nerds in that club.
He despised nerds because he felt like their a lower class of human beings they are selfish Haru convinced himself.
Because they don't want friendships and instead
Focused on learning nothing else.
But he joined the club because it was his only option.
He thought that his love for books
Could overwhelm his hate
But he was wrong.
Yui came to school and had the same problem as Haru
But she chose the literature club because she loves
Drama and romance.
She decided that that is the only correct way
So she thought that her worries would desperate if she
Embraced her love for love.
She was placed in literature club-like Haru.
And that's where they meet.
But at first Yui as well as Haru
Despised one another.
They hated guts of one another but
From the sidelines, you could see that a friendship
Was born
It wasn't the best but they secretly cared about one another
It was like they were putting a mask to hide they
Filings to another.
Masks were cruel they were the masks of hate
But underneath was sorrow and despair.
Because they count confess the feelings to others.
They thought
"It will desperate after time
Their love became with day after day larger and larger.
Till they couldn't hide their feelings from one another
People could really see the true feelings from them.
It became obvious.
That their feelings were real.
But back to the story
They entered through different doors so they first mate face to face it was
They started reading books that they
Were interested with and told the group how they feel about
The books they read.
They could say it was quite interesting.
And they bonded with the rest.
Hey learned more about Yui.
And Yui learned more about Haru.
And that made them interested in one another more.
That's gonna happen next is going to be a real dilemma.

Chapter 3
It is now the middle of November.
But no snow fell, it was really disappointing to Haru
Because of the really wanted it to snow this year.
But he kinda contradicts himself
Because he likes the snow
But he doesn't like when it's cold.
Snow to Haru is like his mother.
Fragile but beautiful.
Our story takes place on the day that Haru and Yui had to give in to their club and represent their
Feelings about the book.
Haru had to read pit and pendulum
A good book that Haru enjoyed because it has a really fabulous way that the writer described things.
He only had good words about the book
But he wasn't interested in the plot
Yet he read the book for it's writing
Because to him, it was how it was written
Instead, what was written.
Of course, he was so into the book
That he forgot about everything else
He started mumbling
The side that other students never saw
He likes that.
Then he woke up from his mind where he realized
That he did it again.
Everybody laugh a bit, but Haru was ashamed so everyone
I apologized for laughing at him.
So they continued the conversation.
Until it was Yui's time for her assignment.
Her book was Romeo and Juliet,
It's Yui favorite book so far because
It's a tragic love story
And she had a weird tics of romance
Because she wants to have a
Complicate love interest
And when she told everybody how she felt about
The book everybody was surprised because
Because they didn't know Yui was into
Dose kind of stuff.
But Haru was most surprised
Did I mention that Rei was into literal club himself
So that day he joined the literal club.
He could see some chemistry in those two.
And also one of Yui's friends Nate.
Joined the club herself a few days are few days.
But she joined to watch over Yui.
She had the hots for Haru.
But she couldn't tell him because
Of her embarrassment.
She didn't realize that Yui liked him to
I mean she asked her but Yui sed "not in a million years".

So she was kind of a fangirl of Harus
But some may say stalker.
But she didn't care about what people say.
She thought Haru is beautiful
And stylish and smart
And altogether the whole package.
That would be told about Rei
But Rei thought that Yui was the most
Beautiful girl in the school despite her appearance.
Although she really was the most beautiful girl in the school.
But nobody wanted to be her boyfriend because
Of her short temper and she was kinda loud.

But short of their notice Haru and Yui liked each other a lot.

😁next 3 chapters coming next week