

Aries at the hell
All the zodiac ended up in hell, some happy, some well-adjusted, some sad, and some trying to fit in, some trying to escape, but still, everyone is in hell.No way out of there. Suddenly, the devil came and summoned all the zodiacs to the fairness headquarters, where the deeds of all the zodiacs would be examined based on the scale of evil and goodness.
Firstly, Aries is called upon, but nowhere to be found. The task of finding Aries was given to Sagittarius, who in a very short time found it and brought it to the Justice office.
Justice:Where were you? Don't you know you can't escape hell?
Aries:Who told you I want to escape hell, I was just roaming around to find something interesting to thrive here.
Justice:You are here for punishment, not entertainment. Do you know why are you here?
Aries:No idea, but I am always right, and please do your part fast, it's hot here, and I want to go to Aquarius and sit there in their AC
Justice:You are here because you mentally tortured your patient as you were supposed to be their good psychiatrist, but you ended up putting them in depression. Your patient committed suicide, and you died because you were run over by the truck while you were arguing with the Ice cream vendor for selling you the outdated ice cream. That is the punishment of you from God.
Aries: OK, so you told me now, dying was my punishment. The case is dismissed, and I have already been punished.
Justice:No no I don't mean to say that
Aries:You said already, I am free now, and that stupid depressed mental patient's fate is better dying else living and making three more people depressed.
Sagittarius and Aquarius gave applause for Aries's smartness. Pisces got some evil ideas to defend themselves from Aries's case. Taurus Virgo, and Cancer didn't like the way Aries defended themselves. Capricorn and Libra both are discussing the pros and cons of the case and haven't concluded yet. Leo didn't bother to listen and was busy flaunting themselves. Gemini wants to meet the Justice for this case as it thinks there are some points the Justice has missed. Scorpio went to congratulate Aries and pushed him into the hell pit while hugging it.
Scorpio:(Smiling) Justice served
© Shaesta