

Jared Chapter 2
Jared looked at Rory and began to explain. He had been in a relationship with his girlfriend for 4 years. If you knew Jared this was kind of a big deal! He had money, a hot car and looks that made women melt! He just had this good Ole boy attitude which was enduring. He explained things were okay but he had needs which weren't being met.

"What do you mean they aren't being met?" Rory asked

Jared paused for a minute and then looked Rory in the eyes and simply stated "She isn't adventurous and doesn't "do it" for me. Everyone is expecting we take this to the next level and I am just not sure. I am with her because we get along and it's easy not because I am satisfied. Rory, I was so sick of hearing everyone tell me I needed to settle down and stop being a playboy that I thought if I got a long term girlfriend everyone would chill out. It's worse than ever now! Now it's questions about a wedding date. I don't know how I can live with this woman forever if she can't met my needs."

Rory just looked at him for a moment. Never did she ever expect him to just blurt that out and she needed to be careful how she responded.

"Jared let's put the wedding and all that nonsense aside for a moment. What do you mean by she doesn't "do it" for you?

Jared put his head down for a moment, took a long swig of the wine and then began to speak more softly.

"I have these ..... um..... thoughts that I want to do or try and she wont."

Rory just looked at him a bit puzzled trying to decipher the code.

"Can you give me a bit more details? I am not sure I understand"

"Ya know things, I want to do things with her, to her, whatever... things Rory!"

"Jared, I am sorry I just don't understand. What are you getting at?"

"Jesus Rory are you that dense? Things meaning sexual things! I want to do these crazy things to her and she won't let me. She actually recoils in disgust when I even bring something up about it"

"Good lord Jared are you trying to harm her or something completely crazy?" Rory said looking at him completely puzzled.

"No, Rory that's not it at all. It's actually pretty calm, what I've asked for compared to what I really want to do."

"Then I don't understand if it's nothing crazy why is she saying no? Will she not even try it or did you all try something and it went badly?"

"Badly?" Jared looked at her even more confused.

Rory took a long breath before she began to explain some basic principles on BDSM and how those relationships should work. Jared just sat there staring, soaking up every word like a sponge. His eyes wide and awake with this new knowledge he hadn't known of. After a short rant Rory stopped abruptly. Jared had moved across the seat and was sitting right next to her, his hand on her thigh, breathing deeply and looking at her in bewilderment. The tension between them could be no longer be denied.

"Rory?" Jared said in a deep voice that primal instinct coming through. Their eyes meeting... slowly raising his hands to cup her face. He leaned forward as he pulled her to him. Rory's eyes closed and their lips met.

© TheBratBox