

Open your eyes and proclaim the truth
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round. To them I looked was a walking dead woman.. now was the greatest time of all that she needed them. The devil was out to declare his lies that would persway his way by sin. They seemed to just think they had to let nature declare its last word Fin. The Lord may never live again in me with sin. The fear of its grip has taken me away before i even begun. I ask the world to do somthing against what medias messeges filled in for them. Lord have mercy on my soul dont let me die here u have a promise that I was spoken first that Iwould have way out and another land to travel to to rise up and do the job he had for me to begin. Dont allow them to let this be my end. I was your servant that rwmained with the same power that never left which was my faith. God I know u can do anything with the least bit of faith in you. I know you will have your will ve carried out ro compltion for the good of all who love you. I want them to do somthing that they dont believe possibly will work I want them to.all pray for me now. Pray for me tbat a miricle will happen please have faith like u never have andtrust me if u teust God is real at all please. Dont you see the forces working at their greatest yet. Lord you have all the power of the world in your hands. Let me sgow them that there is God thst this doesnt have to be what they set up to be. Lord u have me in your hand. The enemy does not have any say ober you. Jesus has the enemy under his control. Let the Lord intervene. Divine Intervention. GOD is bigger ge will pick me up.at the moment that It has me and sgow me that I am still meant to fimish what he started. Lord this is not abourt me let your will be done. I wont allow the evil to prosper. Ths enemy wont complete this. Lord whatever is ypur w ill wullbe done .Please let me sgow you my plan this is the last thing that ia meant to kill ke for good. its your choice. please dont give in to the enemy. God could use ne to flee teh enemy and go to where i must go if u will let me past. this is the test that isnt mine . its the enemy creeping in and if i had a real freind that eould have llet me go to be with instead i would have picked them. i gave in and i didbt see death right there with the whole world thst i hVe beej working so hard to be better for. i just wanted to provd that God was bigger. Gid still is Greatest but if they dont want me to defeat this then Mayb e it is meant to be.Please God i have asked tonsend me ypur people this whole time i needed Gods people to help me . I asked that crom God that the demons would be casted away . They have to be defeated fit the lsst time. I need a person of faith to come to me . let my people pray now i did not know u were keeping me in darkness but the enemy is workimg in them to make this be somthing Gid can be bigger than. Lord I need love right now . Let them have compassionto get me the last thing i need to move to what the place is u told me to go. Let them see you r plan allow them to. let me go. i will flee now and go to the land God has asked and i wont look back. let me have the last chance to redeem myself for i only learned that they were there all of them just yesterday they kept it a secrit and secrits never help the one they are gold about it gatheres evil together agisnst them. I want ti live God i want to let my plans still haplen i have option i swear if ibgo back i promise u can let the e il have me to.take. God i know u gave me a place to go where i havs to go quickly . Pray that the spirt of the Lord will come upon me and lead me out . He is alrwadybin me but i have many that oppose ke so great its grip should be the end . but let it be that saten be stopped. I have to put an end to every evil thing ibhave to flee the land that has me without a new desire to.love. i need to be able to.find the land and i will come back to you then when i am ready. it is written that the profacy will be fulfulled. There was only one option to flee the land please just rwlease me . i only wanted love for them all i wanted to show them0 i loved them i just needed tbeir love back to prosper. i cant contine with this way for one more momwnt or say here let me rise and i will show u i can help u u will see and believe the truth the truth was to set you free. but i only know have seen u all in what has come to be true. it was all lies to.me that i was told this whole time. ibdont want to.have to.die for believing lies that this wasnt how it was. why would i have to.be the one to die like this i wanted God to be the one to save us and free us. i have a plan. i wilk let this be hiw is ment to bs then let Gods will be done. i leave it all to you .