

God Chose me part 3
Let's fast forward to 2012 I'm 21 close to being 22, I start talk with this girl,we talk on the phone every night and get to know each other for a whole year and finally meet in 2013 we start dating and on my 23rd birthday she takes my virginity and we continue to have sex every chance we get, until sometime in November the people she lived with got in her head and we have our first fight and so we stop having sex and we continue to date and we keep having arguments and seeing each other less and less and the final December 31st she breaks up with me through text and this breaks my heart into thousands of pieces.
I thought she love and I loved her,
It hurt so bad that I fell into a deep dark depression.
I had depression before but not like this, it was a lot darker it made not want to go to church and worship God less and make run away from him, it made me lose my smile.
Now its January 2014,I started using women for sex and sexual relief and I continued for all of January because I thought it would make me feel better, but it didn't it made me feel even worse and made me feel even more depressed.
February 2014,I thought about suicide before but this time it was different I was actually going to do it, I was in the middle of about to kill myself when all of a sudden God starts speaking to me saying "This is not ment for you to do this remember I have something planned for your life, you are ment for something greater then could ever imagine, Just come back to me my child and I will guide you."
And I ask "How can I when I've done so much, and I'm about to do something really bad, give me away out show me Lord."
Then out of no where this girl I started to talk to on a dating app messages and invites me to her church, I looked up the church to see where it was and happened to be the same building my old church use to be at.
So I go with her to the church and people hugging on me even though they don't know, during the preaching it felt like I need to hear that message it tugged at my heart, he had an alter call and that's when I rededicated my life to God.
Me and that girl dated for like two months and we broke up, even though we broke up I stayed with that church, then we got back together than we broke up like 3 months later.
June 29th 2014 I got to do a live improv skit with two friends, then August 2014 I get invited to an open mic and my dream about preforming in front of people from when I was just a kid finally came true.
Over months I continue to do standup
early 2015 I date someone then she breaks up with in early August.
I continue to do standup comedy
August I meet this wonderful woman that is now my wife, we have been married since 2016 and still married to her till this day, I have been in 6 comedy Showcase since we've been married, last Showcase was December 29th 2019.
Yes I had some bad stuff happen to since 2016-2019 I have lost few family members and almost lost my dad a few times but one thing I haven't lost is my faith, I may struggle with depression or sin but with Gods help I will get through it all.
Thank you everyone for reading my 3 part testimony, God bless you all and love you all

© Jbo