

Delicate Conversations: Unsure Confession
"I almost told her I miss her" He said to me. Breathing faintly with eyes unsteady meandering within the frames. Nothing prepared him for such a yearning. It creeps like new growth, slowly breaking down the broad chest of confidence. Feelings compromised By the roots spreading wide finding reasons to lie about her meaning in his life.. surprise. He can't breathe now.. she made up her mind while hinting at a door still awaiting his touch to return to her love. He's trapped by the unknown, "Does she feel the same?", "Am I doing too much?", "Maybe I need to take a hint".. echoes of taunts expressing their opinion in his voice, he's lost.

"Take a chance" I said to him, "Regret has hurt many people in this realm of relationships... take a chance" I reiterate, like a warning that required his attention.
He didn't have to be superman, a role we cannot escape, assuming there's no strength in vulnerability when it took everything just to share. Be a man, they say.. while they wished they could return to do the same. keeping every man in bondage just because they failed. there's still a space where fighting for something is admirable, even if it's for a woman you truly love.

"Thanks, I'll let her know" he said. Enlightened it could go anyway. palms less sweaty, thoughts on level ground, he's sure now.

© fruitfulodyssey