

Anagram Untold (The beginning)
First saw her up-close long ago. At the school laboratory, sitting there, first row, second seat from the right (Instructors view point). It was a fine blissful day, a fine young beautiful miss I see. She is not your typical miss I say. Just sitting at that very location the whole time. I wonder what it is in her thoughts might be. Then seeing her I think of a smart and a sharp-witted, yes she is. But in my mind she is like a special cloud at the polar stratoshere. A flower so gentle so sweet and pretty to see. Like the sun in the morning, at night someone thinking of tomorrow again. She is the kind of someone, a whole nighttime can be filled with only the thoughts of her. But her innnocence and solitude, kept myself wondering will a time directed by fate, a chance for a little conversing (maybe I say Hi and she say hey).

Admire, ideal and wonder, or crush perhaps are words to describe feelings that should be hidden and be kept until time itself pushes through, unravels by fate like it was written in the stars.


© Karl Kristoffer A. Ko