

How is the relationship between religion, philosophy & metaphilosophy?

How should we treat philosophy with religion?

Promises & Threats From Religion

How do we respond to religion? Simple, is religion promising & threatening? Yes!

Listen when religion affirms sin & forgiveness that can enter us into heaven / hell.

When these promises & threats are reported to the public, we should be aware of these promises & threats and if necessary delete the promises & threats.

And if we are unable to get rid of promises & threats that are just utterances, then we need to be aware, why can't we EXPRESSLY silence promises & threats from religion? It should be suspected that the promises and threats from religion originate from a Mighty Power that cannot be silenced. It is precisely time after time that many embrace religion. This means it is a serious promise & threat that cannot be silenced.

PROMISES & THREATS THAT CANNOT BE CLEARED, THAT DOES NOT MEAN A SIGN THERE IS TRUTH, but the point is, when there are promises & threats we must be alert, then test whether promises & threats are false (not true) or promises & threats which are the truth.

Religious & Philosophical Cooperation

This is where there should be the philosopher's curiosity to find out the truth. Moreover, religion preaches the metaphysical dimension.

Again, this is where philosophy must examine this in an attempt to see a wider possibility.

In essence, philosophizing should be balance, not prioritizing one sided. If the basis is to gain wisdom, it should be that philosophers won't forget the investigation of the possibility of the truth within religion.

This will be the advantage of the philosopher chasing a fresh things to be explored

This is where philosophy has the opportunity to enrich previously unknown insights.

Religion can be a provocation for philosophers to arouse further curiosity.

This is where it can be emphasized that straight philosophy is to do philosophy accompanied by religious guidance.

Or it is fundamentally emphasized that straight philosophy is philosophy which is not focus just one sided, so that it does not lose the best opportunities that can be obtained from the exploration of fresh expressions of religion.

Inequality of Philosophy

Unfortunately, philosophy has become so lame, by only giving priority to reasoning without proper mental practice in investigating religion.

Supposedly philosophers try to practice religion to investigate its truth. Investigation is not only through reasoning but also a metaphysical approach. But the metaphysical approach is not carried out as strongly as the rational approach, so that philosophers fail to accept religion and there is a separation between reason and faith. Separation between philosophy & religion.

This shouldn't have happened. But such a trend has become widespread, so that something beyond philosophy is needed, namely Meta-Philosophy, a system of impartial, impartial approach.

The Relationship Between Philosophy & Meta-Philosophy

The philosophy itself should have put forward balance. But if philosophy is only misleading, if philosophy is only giving priority one sided - imbalance, this is where metaphilosophy emerges admonishing / reminding philosophy to stand in a straight line.

And when philosophy is correctly applied, then metaphilosophy can hide again and then appear when philosophy begins to stray away from its original goal of attaining wisdom.

The Relationship Between Philosophy & Religion

When philosophy is correctly applied - balanced, it is like a light illuminating the religion which is the home of philosophy itself.

If philosophy is not yet correctly applied, then it is not permissible to explain the truth map of its own house which can be misinterpreted because of the dim or dark light of philosophy that cannot illuminate its own house!

Thus religion is the home of philosophy as the light & also the home of metaphilosophy which is the guardian of the house.
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