

A Lost Little Girl's Smile chapter five

This is when my life really started to get bad .Momma went off to work Claud Margie Greg And Cloe all went off to school me and Robbie were left with dad and that was the start of my horror . Dad sent Robbie to his room and took me to his and he started touching me in places he shouldn't and it was hurting me really bad and making me scream and cry but the more I did that the harder he got with me he was touching himself and putting things inside of my vagina and he was making weird groaning noises. Then he squirt hot gooy liquid on to me and I was hurting real bad and bleeding from my girl thing vagina and he spanked me and made me get up and go wash my self up . I could barely walk . I was crying hard . How could my dad hurt me like this . I cried and cried and ran and hid in a dark corner of my closet . Robbie heard me and came to find me and he hugged me and rocked me . until Margie came home and then I ran to her and told me want momma . She then went to find dad and ask him what was wrong with me he told her he didn't know but he thought I was not feeling well and that she probably should call my momma and tell her so Margie did . She took off work rushed home from work to see what was wrong with me and when she got home I ran to her crying hurt momma hurt and climbed into her arms. Then she bounced me in her arms and started singing to me until I fell asleep in my mommas arms . She took me to mine and Margie's room laid me in my crib and went to find my dad to see what he thought made me sick he told her I was playing on the bed and fell off and he thinks I may have hit my head or something . By that time he had all my clothes and the bedding all thrown away and cleaned up. Momma was still up set and told him he need to keep a better eye on me I was still just a baby . Dad then got firey mad and started yelling at momma and shoving her and telling her that he knew how to take care of his kids and that she need to quit telling him how to care for us . They faught for a long time as normal the boys and Margie ran out side cause everyone get scared when they fight . Well this went on and on everyday and momma told dad she was gonna hire a babysitter for me and Robbie cause apparently he could not take care of us . Dad flipped out on momma and Margie and the boys ran in and helped momma . Then dad left well he was gone for a long while almost a year when momma finally got a call from him . He told her to rent a truck and for her and the older kids to pack our stuff and load it on the truck . Because we were moving to Illinois he had bought a house . When they loaded what they could momma being a small lady and only kids Claud was the oldest he was 16 and I just was three . Momma left alot of things behind when she loaded up us kids and headed to Illinois a long long trip it was . but we finally made it to see our new home .
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