

Red hair part 5
{Nayba come to the principal office}
Nayba:wait Batin am coming
{In the principal office}
principal:Nayba is it true that you threaten Naz that you will kill her?
Nayba: no she threaten to kill me!!
Naz: principal she even gave me a scar!!
Principal:it's has goting to that!?
Nayba:but i didn't do that
Naz:then who did it?
Nayba:you..you.(jump on her and pull her hair)
Naz:ahh your pulling my hair(and start to pull her hair and it change color)
Principal:stop!! o my God what happen to your hair!?!
Naz:I knew something is wrong with her hair
Nayba:Forget about it!!(and they did and she left) Batin guess what!
Nayba:i have found out what my hair can do
Batin:and that's...
Nayba:i can make people to forget what happen!(and Batin forgets what happen)
Batin:who are you?
Nayba:opoos umm.... remeber?(and he remebers)
Batin:what did you say?
Nayba:i can make umm... nothing
Batin:ok umm... i haven't seen your perents?
Nayba:i lost them when i was five
Batin:o am so sorry
Nayba:it's ok i don't remeber much of her only a song on the panio
Batin: can you play it for me?
Nayba:ok we can go to the music class ( in music class with lot of people there)i should play it in front of all this people!?!
Batin:yes go!!
Nayba:ok...{play's that song and her mother's presents came and people clap for her) thank you
Batin:you see they like you
Nayba:i felt a ptesents{Both like a mothers } yes

Thank you so much for reading i hope you like it😊😁

© faith