

I'm still heartbroken part 7
2 hours later...
I woke up in a filthy prison cell with rats and rust everywhere.
Oh,you're awake I hear a voice in front of me. I try to get up and run to find out I'm chained to the ground.
You're not going anywhere I'll let boss know you're awake. I hear footsteps walk out and I pull and pull on the chains but it's no use.
5 minutes later...
Hello Shelby. What do you want from me Luka? Money,My house for me to move far away from here? No I want you to shut that mouth of yours and act like everything is normal.
You're not getting silence from me you can kidnap me and except me to not say anything.
Fine,have it your way but you're not getting outta here any time soon. I hear footsteps and they go outta the room. LUKAAA!!! LUKA!? GET BACK HERE! IM GONNA KILL YOU EITH MY BARE HANDS WHEN I GET OUTTA THIS MESS!
I couldn't take it anymore I broke down crying thinking about everything that happened this week getting asked out,Abby going missing,me getting kidnapped,now that I think about my dad hasn't even been at home for a while I hope he's okay.
5 hours later...
I dozed off after crying myself to sleep and hear footsteps and instantly shoot up. Are you ready to shut up yet? No! leave me alone it's bad you kidnapped me you didn't have to be me in this filthy basement.
I don't think you know who I am. I don't care to know who you are. Well I am Lu-. Uh I don't care are you deaf or something? Shut up Shelby. I don't take orders from you and I never will.
We'll see what you have to say after this. My name is Luka. Luka Santiago and I am the leader of the Serpents. I couldn't do anything but stare they were the most powerful gang not in this state but in the world. They were feared by everyone and have no mercy on anyone they kill there enemies without any problems.
Oh it got quiet. But that's not all my little shell you're dad is our enemy he is also in a gang. The Devil's he's the leader. And that's not all they stole you from your real parents which is the most third feared gang. The Wilders.

Welp there's some major drama for you guys see ya next week tune in for more tea.