

The place of the Word 📖✍
📍 The Word 📖 of God✍
Now the Word 📖 of God has been taken be mean or to be every form of spiritual utterance, so called visions, prophecies, messages by dreams or any "word" the world refers to as sacred.

But the question remains: What makes a Word 📖 the Word 📖 of God. Must it be only what's in the Bible or outside it inclusive?.

Can a word be outside the Bible and also be the Word 📖 of God? (yes, but without proper discernment of where that words comes from) *many fall into the deception of making the words of men, sometimes of their own imagination or of the adversary the word of God.*

But we must rejoice in the fact that the Bible 📖 the long known and confirmed word of God must be our standard to determine whatever out there that men claim to be the Word of God.

For example 👇
If any man or any book 📙 claims that the world 🌍 was made by God. That word is truth because it aligns with the Bible which affirms the same. But if Any man or book claims that the world was made by evolution. That 👆is a word from man... Because God himself affirms that he made the world and not by evolution. Consequently, if man claims anything about man, about creation, about the Bible, about the earth which is contrary to what God has said, such cannot be true because God is that standard that is above man and everything true must be defined from the standpoint of God whom is the creator and maker of them all.

For example: Some books like the Quran claims that man 👨 is not sinful and without a sin nature... But evidentially we can see that man without Christ is lost in sin... Almost cannot stop sinning wihtout Christ and without the indwelling of the holy Spirit... Such untruth from the Quran which is contrary to confirmed truth in the Bible that man is intricately sinful stands as part testimony that the Quran cannot be the Word 📖 of God... Because God cannot be wrong about his creation if he indeed is God their creator. This 👆 error and many like them in the Quran disqualifies it from being the word of God but of a-god.
© Christ♻InUs