

She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...and with her inner strength the journey begins
Up down never just normal, what is normal anyway is there such thing as norma.l I’ve no idea. One thing I do know though is that this is not it, I can also tell you that when your asleep and you fall, whether it’s a long ascending or a short trip of a fall you generally wake up before you hit the bottom. Some people say there is no bottom & its a never-ending fall until you wake up or if you hit the bottom then you will be dead. If I tripped/fell I always woke up with a jolt everyone did. I was wrong and i will tell you there is a bottom ” HOW DO I KNOW I HEAR YOU SAY” I Know because i fell and fell my never-ending fall, I fell so deep & long until I saw the floor before I hit the bottom. If or when you ever find your bottom you will know instantly from the very second of your impact your life will change forever it will break you into millions of tiny fragments, your soul and body will be sucked into total despair. you will find your self in darkest deepest hole, it's cold and dark full of your deepest fears, the more you try to climb to the further you fall slowly the nightmare will squeeze you and suffocate your sole until your whole existence will no longer make sence it won't stop until it has taken everything from you & your empty lonely and full of a confusion. Then the sadness will fill you so powerful and unbearable too overwhelming full of fear and confusion. now this is what you call hitting rock bottom you can’t fall any deeper so the only way is up. one slight problem for you is you firstly need to workout which is up, down, when you do remember which way is up your journey will begin. it is long & lonely your alone only you can travel this road you and you alone you can do it. I promise you that one day you will find the light at the end of the tunnelI can't tell you How long this will take (HOW LONG IS A PIECE OF STRING ?) but you will meet your darkest deepest fears, your reality of living and dreaming will merge into one awake asleep who knows because you can’t work out the difference anymore. Just remember you can do this just don’t give in keep fighting the end will come see you soon when you find the light at the end.
I don’t mind a jigsaw as long as it’s a small 100 piece one. so when my life journey to recovery started with a go find your shattered fragments of your life/family piece it back together like a jigsaw you need to find every perfectly cut piece of your shattered life and carefully slot the fragments into their place until every last piece is slotted into its place and your family is once again whole and completed. I just have to find the millions of shattered pieces ? My journey to my recovery from a stress related breakdown, my long lonely road as i fight my darkest deepest fears my cold suffocating nightmare to my normal. four years of hell going up down loosing my mind, the controlling anxiety my fight to take back the control and last of all realizing i wont recover i need to learn how to live with this mental health illness learn how to turn it round and instead of the anxiety controlling me I will be in total control of my anxiety. having a breakdown is no the same as some one suffering from depression, I don’t have depression I have actually no idea what i have but what i need through the recovery is a white jacket, padded cell and pills lots of happy pills ha ha ha ha as I begin my journey to self descovery.
