

A True Dream (part-10)
Write a short story that uses atleast two of the given situations:
1. An old, locked box in the attic.
2. A winding staircase that goes nowhere.
3. A broken mirror.
4. An old desk with a locked drawer.

After she went to New York city,
She writes her first letter to Brooklyn,
And telling his family that she's fine but not totally:-

"Dear second family,
I'm a bit exhaust by the journey there. I thought it will be difficult to understand & manage here but it's not really, I got new friends & my connection with there family gains a bit. But still it's very uneasy feeling to not be with you all. I'm missing that family whose who I love very much; specially aunty's food, uncle's help in my homeworks,
my second brother's games & suprise gifts & my friend's support & our friendship...

To my friend,
By looking at the past where we play like a child, shine like no one else when load a look at a broken mirror, we afraid that our promises will be broken like that mirror but not anymore because I will not leave you alone. And I will make sure to give you something when I'll back at Brooklyn.

I want to back there but my father has been picked up for a long period worker as a manager here. So I can't afford to go back but I promise I will be there soon...

From your loved ones
with love and care of
Your daughter"
After reading this letter my family got sad for her but me & my bro were got more energetic to find a opportunity to work in New York city. I was in class-10. I'm waiting to go NYC for more Study & to meet her. My brother is trying well to transfer there for meeting them but unfortunately, we have money problem to do so. An old desk with a locked drawer always remind me about our deep promise that we grabbed in that drawer. Waiting for you intensely.
Coming Soon......

© Bhoomika