

Skeletons of a broken Marria1ge 💑
Sarah thought of the divorce alot after the crash, like that one thought that hits you like a ton of bullets or was it bricks?as Samuel Lay in the stretcher next to her ,Sarah sighs feeling hurt lost and confused, she wanted to scream the truth. Johnny wasn't all that great 😕 Sarah remembers what Johnny has done to her and her children 🙄 as Sarah lye staring I into the stuffy ambulance window remembering as she stared
Wide,11 frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She thought she had killed him years ago!... Johnny was in a bad deal which almost cost her life. Not to mention how she was held hostaged, She thought she killed her stalker. Until she seen the 9 missed calls, and over 12 messages. As Samuel laid awake with a splitting headache he reaches over and touches Sarah's hand. Sarah shouted so caught up in her mixed up mind. Screaming 😱 Johnny had a hit on me and will do anything 😤 to make my safety net go away. Samuel stared blankly as his body started to get hot from anger. Realizing his words meant nothing for the action he want do to help Sarah. I Know I know it's alot to take into this reality. There's more to this broken marriage.
© I'm Not cocky just confident 😉