

The Hidden🕴️Killers.
Intro:Some people work for the "welfare of humainty" and some work for their selfish aims.....
this is a story of them killed a student, indirectly!
"Yar,how much I strived.I left my best friends gathering.I left my lovely hobbies.I spent my all saved pocket money for MCQ's books".
but,what's outcome?.......only B-grade....... I have deprived from my life .
'sometimes my heart wants suicide',"he was telling to his best friend".
Oh.....yar! I told you before,"studying is all about spare nowadays.
our Educational board is full of corrupt people.Money is everything for them".
they need money not "intelligent students" and you were.....who had been learning all the nights.
'my friend' you don't know.
our board earns millions rupees,setting the results of upper class."his best friend told him".
how they become such selfish?,"he told him".
'Brother',this is world,nobody sees what's right and what's wrong but they see the way of how they can earn more money,"his best friend replied".
"No bro"......its not so,"he replied his friend".
I knew,you'll say it......tell me! do you know faheem?,"his friend asked him a question".
No,"he replied suddenly".
I knew, you won't know him because he didn't attend a single college class.
'oh'........remembered,brother do you know him who asked your pen on entry test day,"his friend asked him".
'Yeah'... remembered but I thought,he had left the college,"he asked too his friend".
No,he didn't leave college but he was not coming to the college because he is belonged to the upper class.
bro, learning is only for us not for upper class and you know....what was his result?
he scored A-one grade with 82%."nisar told me",his father gave 50000 rupees to the board,"his best friend showed him the hidden face of board mafia".
Yar,would that,I had been a son of upper class,"he told him being deprived".
Alas!it had been..,"his best friend replied".
both went to their home.
A house was in mourn.every one was crying in the house.there was a death body of a guy who suicided yesterday night.......!
Hamza Ali .

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