

A Man An Cigar
The water spills on the ground
as the man pored it out. It was so hot
it did not even fade the ground. But rolling in comes some super richest
I call them. So I say which pump and they yell 25 at the Royal farms gas pump. An the richer party gets out the car looking for someone to get him
a cigar. I say what's the problem he say I want a cigar but I don't got my id
on me she that man in the store don't
know I am past 21 so he acting some
kind of kid trying to get a cigar. Ok that's not right I will walk in and get
it. So I walk in and get it. But the guy behind the counter saw me talking to
him and then said wait no I can't sale this to you. What man it's mine not let me get a 🚬 s. But he sends me walking and I give the man who wanted his smokes his money back
and he goes back trying to get another ride to get it for him. And the man gets it for him then he disappeared.
And now he don't have to get his own
cigar because he to high in the money and in the clouds.

© hmmmm